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Score a TV or Film scene with a LZ song

light & shade

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This is a topic that has kind of been running through my head lately. As we know, LZ does not typically approve their music to be used in TV or Film. There have been some instances where the music has been used to great affect, though.

And that's kind of where this topic comes in. The idea is to list a scene from a TV show or Film, past or present, that a specific LZ song would fit perfect, in your mind.

My choice is one that has been with me for quite some time and I was disappointed it never actually came to pass. I believe the first time LZ ever licensed music for a TV show was THE SOPRANOS; song: "Rock And Roll". I always felt like "Fool In the Rain" would have fit perfectly in an interior scene at the Bada Bing club. Especially, the first 2:30 of the song. The song has 'slowly moving dolly camera in a smoky bar' written all over it.

What's your choice?

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As a Big fan of the Sopranos, I think that the choice of "Don't Stop Believin", by Journey, was an appropriate song to end this Great and Epic Show. However, I think that "Stairway to Heaven" would have been a good choice too.

Just imagine the very ending of the Sopranos (and the fade to black) just when Jimmy starts His guitar solo and Mr. Chase lets the song conclude through the ending credits.


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