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hello! another newbie to the forum ~


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Hello there all! My name's Wendy, I'm 19, and I just made an account on here. I've liked Zep ever since I started to gain my own musical identity (which was around 12/13) but for some reason I never let myself become a huge fan. I kinda let go of the whole "classic rock" thing and delved into other things and kinda fell out of love with the music for some time. Thankfully, Jimmy decided to release those zep remasters around my birthday this year and I got some free swag at my local john varvatos... after some time of relistening, it hit me really hard. it was like I was listening to it for the first time again, and this time i really paid attention to every aspect of it. I dunno how to explain it but zeppelin's music is so enchanting and enthralling. it's like once you've fallen under their spell, you can't get out.

anyway thats my spiel and i'd love to post some more or whatever once i get the hang of this... looking forward to (hopefully) talking to you guys, it's always nice befriending fellow fans! :D x

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Thanks ! You make my soul happy:

Stairway To Heaven song was the whole holographic event orchestrated from all life and reflecting back to us that expresses so eloquently how to enter the inner world we spring from and return to in our spiraling everlasting journey. That moment, that awareness sang to what we all know in our hearts and now can never be forgotten. When we feel that wave rising for the ultimate ride... that feeling we hold onto for Dear Life... Thanks to our seers Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Led Zeppelin, who expressed that vision of truth!!!!!!!!! Now I'm riding that WAVE... WE ARE THE WAVE... and it never stops, it's always here, every moment of eternity. Rise up through your shadow to your soul, to our one soul. Life in all its variety that knows each of us and sustains us through our journey to know it well. The shadow is just the edge of the phase shift to reality. Yeah, it slows you down and helps you know you are entering sacred territory, but push on through, its the only way to get there. 

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