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Mary Hartman

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Posts posted by Mary Hartman

  1. I found a painting of John Lennon. Original painting, it's an original and deserves a home...

    Absolutely gorgeous oil. Crazy people played Norah Jones for me when I was in the gallery B) "Ed, your a Jones fan aren't you?" "Me and all the Little Willies."

  2. Liz can hold her own Ed. Oh, what year was that pic of you Speed Racer, I mean Donkey, I mean Mary Hartman? 1972? Or 1980? How about something recent? Hmmm. I wonder why you wont do that? By the way, nice pics Liz.

    Because you were invited here to see me in person. After that I don't do anything for people who think they are a clay time frame clump.

    That help you son?

    Now scurry along and find a sports site to throw beer cans at ok?

  3. Don't leave Peta magazines with a chef eating a greasy bacon sandwich. For some reason bacon here makes people think Hilary Duff looks like a little girl.


    Apparantly that much sodium makes people think Hilary Duff is 5 or 6. The other chef will read it I think.

    Anyways a no no there. Apparantly pigs have wing's there cause they sure are sacred.


    Q. Wanna look at greasy bacon or pictures of Duff and the Peta models?

    A. Let's see them piggies fly fly fly.

    I still think they were putting me on. Because the owner of the mens fashion store next door eats there. I shop there. I will give the food a go, appears they have veggie sandwich's on Peta breads.

    Plus an early breakfast which nowhere in town has tried before.

  4. Good pic Ed! I hope you got rid of those hot pants! :lol:

    That was actually in style then. I was living in a place where it stayed very hot. I remember girls wearing more lycra/spandex than you can ever believe. Mmmmmmm mmmm.

    People let it all hang out. It was above 107F for 10 days straight. The only thing Chris had on was a spandex lycra string bottom and that was it in the car. You should have seen the stares we got from truck drivers...just flying down 95 with the sun roof down and Led Zeppelin cranked in a Fiero GT.

    Vroooom. That sporty enough?

    In Ft Lauderdale my room mate met up with a bi chick from Akron U. "Craig where in the heck did you find her?" "Looking over the balcony kissing her friend."

    It was said Akron U was to never be allowed in another Marriot anywhere. I guess we musta bothered the foreign people who owned it a bit with some of the brew ha ha...

    Ha ha.

    Actually we did 2 spring vacations in Lauderdale and a bunch in Daytona. The second one I won for answering a Led Zeppelin question on the radio. Free Lauderdale package and Sea Escape Cruise to Bahamas. Food included.


    So the kids here will get a break as far as I'm concerned. Your only young once. And I've probably done worse.

    You cant hold being angry long.....have fun kids.

  5. Ok fine. Since everyone has been so patient. It goes back a bit to Ft Lauderdale, however I only have 2 pics of me and this is one with me.


    Cheers...I remember this year because I broke a leg water skiing with the gators. Flipping gators all over there. You have to stay mid lake to pull up and drop off. Well you don't HAVE TO but its like trout fishing mid stream its a good idea.

  6. Grace is cool! B) She was certainly a natural beauty back in the day without all the fake silicone that you see these days.

    I agree, Grace is a lil hottie. I'd hit it, tap it, drill it and aim it wherever she wanted and a few others to catch her by surprise :D

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