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Posts posted by rm2551

  1. 6 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

    I even saw a video a few weeks ago of Tyson & Holyfield sitting down together and chatting it up....

    Not sure if this is the case because I cannot remember the source, but I saw they (Tyson and Holyfield) are releasing some cannabis candy in the shape of an ear with a bite out of it. Brilliant, and I hope these gentlemen make a shit ton of money off that idea. Isn't it amazing how the passage of time changes perspectives on all things. Getting more mellow I think is part of that.

  2. 7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Millennial rock writers are the bane of my existence. They tell us nothing we don't already know and, in this case, completely overlook the fact Coda contains some vocal tracks recorded by Robert after 1980.

    What about early Zep critics. Seems they were not much better? (I'm looking at YOU Rolling Stone writers) Some of the horrendous reviews that were embarrassingly bad - and aged worse.

  3. 9 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

    I was just wondering, do kids even waste time trick or treating anymore?

    We got kids coming around this year. 7 or 8 groups. First time really since Covid, and still quite "new" down here in Oz. Was fun, missus dressed up as a witch and hid on the front porch and "got" plenty of the kids for a good scare/laugh. I used to think it was all a bit shit, but rather like it now.

  4. 8 hours ago, Strider said:

    If there is one thing my travels have taught me it is to know and respect the laws of whatever country you are visiting. Leave the drugs at home. If you can't go two weeks without getting high, stay home. Don't assume your American privilege will save your ass.

    You might think the U.S. police and legal system is a corrupt mess. Ha! Wait until you get outside the Europe/U.S. comfort zone. You haven't seen corruption until you get to some of the sub-equator hell-hole countries.

    So, once again, it is really simple. When you are traveling, leave the drugs at home and obey the laws.

    Too right! I'd add when political tensions are really on the rise to avoid some countries altogether. There is no way in hell I'd be visiting Russia at the moment for instance (not that I'd ever have an interest to). I could be about to fly out to return home when Australia agrees to some sort of assistance to Ukraine that so enrages Putin I end up caught up in some bullshit arrest. Same with China who do this kind of shit as a matter of course.

    The Dubai stop over between AU and England would be off my list as well. Imagine stubbing your toe and cursing out loud with the wrong state official in hearing distance who decides to completely fuck you over for a few weeks.

    Even when I visited the US waaaay back in the day, "reason for visit?" question at LAX I answered with a big smile "for holidays!" - and the look she shot me scared the shit out of me. Like she could absolutely destroy me if she so wished.

  5. 6 hours ago, High-hopes Hailla said:

    Page spent many years after denying there was "anything in the vaults."

    At least through the re-release program with the "companion disks", Jimmy was very careful whenever asked to say the vaults are empty of studio stuff. I don't think I've heard him generalise to include live.

    There is definitely some live Zep magic on someone's shelf somewhere.

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