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Led Zep Girl

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Status Updates posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. at home having dinner with my mom & dad, grandpa & aunt. How else would you spend a Saturday night? =]

  2. I haven't listened to any Zeppelin at all today! That's unheard of for me!

  3. Haven't listened to Zeppelin at all today. About to fix that problem.

  4. it's okay. i know you are busy. but it's good to hear from you. =]

  5. is watching "100 Greatest Artists of All Time" and my boys better be on there...

  6. eating a sandwich about to head to work.

  7. Hi! How are you doing? Hope you are enjoying summer. Welcome to the forum.

  8. Just wanted to say hello. The danelectro is by far my favorite guitar.

  9. wishes the rain would have stayed a little bit longer..

  10. eating a strawberry sundae. Trust me, it's good..

  11. at home getting ready to eat. The Real Housewives come on tonight so I am excited.

  12. I am lovin' this weather. It couldn't get any better.

  13. I am so ready for the Tulsa State Fair!

  14. I am so ready for the Tulsa State Fair!

  15. glad to be back home but I will always miss my second home, Branson...

  16. Yay! I leave tomorrow night! I am sooo excited! I finally know what bag I am taking lol!

  17. Gotta get ready for work. I feel like I just did this not too long ago..

  18. I am off to work. I hope this day flies by..

  19. Just got done eating. I am so full.

  20. Oh no your not bothering me at all. I love it here on the forums and I love talking to everybody on here. Plus when I am off, I have more time to be on here. So it all works out. =]

  21. "Didn't take too long 'fore I found out, What people mean by down and out."

  22. is singing karaoke. My voice is at an all time low. I need to be higher.

  23. fixing to do some laundry. Woo-hoo..

  24. I am not doing too much over the weekend. I have Sunday & Monday off. Just spend some time with my family.

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