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Everything posted by kenog

  1. Thanks Magic for your kind remark. As ever, you are one of the loveliest people to grace this site. I am super busy at the moment, but shall pm you when things slacken off.
  2. This is from Ross Halfin's website, dated 13 July. The photos of Jimmy at the Black Crowes' gig at Shepherds Bush can be accessed via Ross' site. "...A little bit of Jimmy Page showing the Black Crowes the way to 'Hell' by playing some of the Devil's Music at the Devil's Bush Empire."
  3. I searched the rest of the site to see if this had been posted already, but could not find anything. My source is Ross Halfin's site. There is a photo on the site of Jimmy and David Coverdale together. ".....Spent this evening "IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT" as they say, in the company of Whitesnake at the Hammersmith Odeon. Went with my two security guards, Oliver Halfin and Jimmy Page, hung out with our host David Coverdale before the show who was most gracious. Oliver went for a singalong while Jimmy and I watched. It was packed and so hot, like a huge sauna, good atmosphere plus Bernie Marsden come on for the encores. David finished the show with a nice solo vocal of Soldier Of Fortune."
  4. A further update for anyone who is interested in gaining free access to not only Jimmy's book, but the rest of the Genesis catalogue which is still available for sale. Here is the correspondence between myself and my contact at the British Library. It looks like Genesis will be having to send a copy of each book they have in stock by the end of this month. I shall return with further updates. At the moment, Jimmy's book is being catalogued, and I shall also update you when Andrew Davis emails me as to its availability. Fri, 6 May, 2011 8:52:13 RE: Genesis Publications - other items in their back catalogue From:"Davis, Andrew" <Andrew.Davis@bl.uk>View Contact To: xxxx.xxxx@yahoo.co.uk xyz Just finalising shipment details. I should be able to let you know details of the complete delivery by the end of the month. Best Andrew
  5. Just to update anyone who is interested. I have received a reply from my contact at the British Library. They have received Jimmy's book from Genesis Publications, and will advise me when it has gone through the indexing process, and therefore available to the public. I have copied the email which I received below. I truly wish that I could have done something for the American fan base to have free access in a US library. Please note that I shall not be insisting that Ross Halfin's new Genesis Publications travel photographic book is deposited with the BL - to say that I am not interested in anything RH produces would be an understatement!!! Tue, 26 April, 2011 14:06:34 RE: Genesis Publishing - Complaint From:"Davis, Andrew" Andrew.Davis@bl.uk To:xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.co.uk Dear xxxxxxxx, Jimmy Page is sat on my desk (so to speak). I will now look to hasten the title through the cataloguing process. Cataloguing managers are instructed to inform me once the title has been placed in the collection. I will then forward you this information to enable you to time your visit to London. Kind regards Andrew Davis
  6. Superdave, I don't think they get compensation. It is a legal obligation in the UK. I suppose if you think about it, most books that are published are not anywhere near as expensive as those of Genesis Publications. Then again, Genesis are only foregoing the cost of production of each book. I imagine there is a pretty hefty retail markup on them. My motive was simply to get a copy somewhere for LZ fans to access, if they were able to do so. I think the other titles which are going in to the BL will also be of interest.
  7. SuperDave, I think you are absolutely right on this point. They must be cursing me because of how much this is going to cost them in terms of stock. Nevertheless, the law is the law is the law!
  8. Yes, publishers are supposed to do this automatically - some publishers do comply, others don't. Genesis probably thought that nobody would notice that they were not complying. Apart from Jimmy's book, a copy of everything which they have available is to go in. I just thought it would be nice if anyone was taking the trouble to go to London, would be able to look at the other volumes at the same time. If you take a look at Genesis' website, there is some good stuff there - Stones, The Who, Dylan.
  9. I left this site at the end of 2010. However, I've returned to make this post because it concerns a matter which I have been pursuing since September 2010. I had intimated to a couple of site members by private message that I was going to do this. Under the Legal Deposit Act 2003 (UK legislation) a copy of every book which is published in the UK must be deposited with the British Library in London. I emailed Genesis Publications twice back in September to ask if they were going to deposit a copy of Jimmy's book. They did not reply. Therefore, I lodged a complaint with the British Library. They checked Genesis Publications' record on depositing and found it to be rather poor. I asked the BL to ensure that a copy of Jimmy's book was deposited, and at the same time, if they would arrange for any of Genesis' books which are missing from the BL to also be deposited. I do not have a particular problem with Genesis - it is just the fact that they must comply with UK publishing law. I saw this as an ideal opportunity for a copy of the book to be publicly available. I feel strongly about diehard Zeppelin fans who were unable to afford the book, or missed out due to its limited numbers. Please note that the British Library is a reference only library, and I believe you would have to take along photographic identification to get access. Check the BL's website for full details. The book is not in the BL yet. I have emailed the BL to see if they can clarify when it will arrive. I shall print any reply I receive to that query. I have copied below the latest emails between myself and the BL. It looks from the BL's email to me that a copy of any book which Genesis has in stock is going to be deposited - so more or less their full catalogue will go in and I know that people on here are interested in other bands in addition to Zeppelin. RE: Genesis Publishing - Complaint From: "Davis, Andrew" <Andrew.Davis@bl.uk> View Contact To: xxxxyyyy@yahoo.co.uk> Dear xxxxyyyy, Towards the end of last week, I received assurances from Genesis Publications that they are to deposit with the British Library, those titles which are currently available from their publications list. This includes the title 'Jimmy Page' by Jimmy Page, in which you have a specific interest. Kind regards Andrew Davis Mon, 4 April, 2011 21:02:05 Re: Genesis Publishing - Complaint From: xxxxyyyy@yahoo.co.uk> Add to Contacts To: "Davis, Andrew" <Andrew.Davis@bl.uk> Dear Mr Davis, Thank you for response in relation to this matter. I should like to take this opportunity to offer you my profound thanks for pursuing this on my behalf. There is one area which I should be grateful if you clarify for me. Do you have any idea how long it will be before the books are available for access? Obviously, I understand that I could keep checking the British Library's index, but I would intend making a specific journey to London from quite far afield and would want to put travel arrangements in place. It has always been my understanding that once books are sent to a reference library that it can take some time for them to be indexed. Again, many thanks. Kind regards xxxxyyyy
  10. Steve, Thanks for updating my thread with this outcome. The final picture looks like a great keepsake, and I hope Richard Cole agrees to sign your copy .
  11. Interview Excerpt courtesy of RX Magazine December 2010 Izzy Presley of RX magazine recently conducted an interview with drummer Jason Bonham about JASON BONHAM'S LED ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE which celebrates the life and music of Jason's father, the legendary LED ZEPPELIN drummer John Bonham. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. RX: How soon after the [LED] ZEPPELIN reunion fell apart did [JASON BONHAM'S LED ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE] start getting put together? Jason Bonham: About two years after, really. A year after we did the show in 2007 I was working with John Paul [Jones] in 2008 and it was most of 2009 I was just moping around the house feeling sorry for myself when that thing kind of fell apart. It wasn't something that I really thought about. There was talk of it by my manager and by Annerin [Productions, the heralded company behind "The Pink Floyd Experience" and "Rain, A Tribute to the Beatles"] themselves, but I was not convinced. It wasn't until the end of 2009 when I went to see the "Rain" show and that was a polite response to before I said no. After seeing the "Rain" show and seeing some of the ideas they had in there, I started to think I can do this slightly different and it just started to evolve. It wasn't until about half way through this year it became something that I was very, very into 110%. I had to make sure it was OK with the others and I spoke to Robert [Plant] about it at length and my mom had given me footage that she would never let out of the house. It really did start to become something that was just more than just a concert, it became more of a personal thing and so far with the five shows we've done I can't describe the feeling I get. I wouldn't imagine this in a million years. RX: How close were you to finding a different singer for ZEPPELIN after the reunion? There were rumors all over about you guys trying out Steven Tyler (AEROSMITH) and a few others. Jason Bonham: Joe Perry had mentioned it in one of his interviews about Steven come over and sang but as far as I know and definitely know this, it was really just jamming and it was never, ever going to be called LED ZEPPELIN if it had gone any further. It had been talked about by John Paul Jones and a few of us now but as I know and it's my own thought that it never would have been called LED ZEPPELIN. There was a little bit of a harsh response from fans saying, "You can't have LED ZEPPELIN with someone else singing." Well, it was never talked about. I will say this; I had a great time jamming with Jimmy and John Paul and various different people and of course the greatest time of all was the two gigs RX: What was the turning point where you decided to get sober? Jason Bonham: In England, and for all of us in my family, we all have a different place on where or what we think an alcoholic is. If you still have your family and your house and your car, [you are] doing well, and don't look like a homeless guy while drinking out of a paper bag; if all of those things are not happening to you and [you've] still got everything, the belief is there is nothing wrong with you. You can falsify and pretend and create like I used to that my world was perfect and be calculated that much and that was the demon alcohol. I would be so calculated that I would get everything ready to be done by noon so I could drink; any piece of work, everything done and cleared up so I could have a drink. The hardest part for me to come to reality with, it was that I didn't drink every day. So to me it was like, "Am I really an alcoholic? I don't drink every day, I don't drink in the morning, and I don't have the shakes." I had talked to a few people who had tried to get in the rooms way before and heard the stories and thought, "I have nothing in common with that story. None of that is my life." I got off the ladder at a different place. They say that they called it "the yets." I didn't kill someone on my bike, I didn't kill someone with my car, I didn't kill anyone yet. That's what did it. I actually felt pretty lucky. The statistics aren't great, they are horrible, but I am OK with it. I think you have to be ready. I think you gotta want to think you want to do it. You can't think you have to do it and you have to want to do it Read the entire interview from RX magazine
  12. This is a link to a UK Mail On Sunday article about photos of the Stones which have been unearthed after 40 years. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1339831/Rolling-Stones-unseen-Found-pictures-hidden-duffel-bag-40-years.html
  13. Happy Birthday Sam ( this may be belated because it is now the 21st here in the UK). Hope you had a great time
  14. SAJ, I hadn't read the thread topic properly and should have seen that it was Hollywood actors - I was writing late last night UK time and had been out celebrating Xmas early (lots of booze consumed!). But as you know, I am keen to share any Zep related knowledge /resources which I may have with fellow fans.
  15. Steve, I am working from memory here, but I recall Groucho Marx being at one of the Swansong launch parties in the US. Also, Michelle Phillips was in attendance at one of them (probably LA). She was ostensibly a singer, but she did do some acting work in the US. The late John Bindon was also an actor in the UK, mainly in tough guy roles - the details of which will be in his biography. There was an actor in the UK, the late Gary Holt, who appeared in a television series called 'Auf Wiedersehen Pet' . He socialised with LZ at a South Kensington boutique hotel called 'Blakes'. Mr Holt was apparently treated badly by Bonzo on one such visit, and this lead to LZ issuing a public apology to GH, something which was previously unheard of for Zep. Michael Caine released a new autobiography this year 'Elephant to Hollywood' where he goes into much more detail of his own ownership of The Mill House. Michael Winner released another book this year. I do not know if MW makes any reference to JPP because I have not had the time to look at the book. Although this is slightly off-topic, I am including here an article in the UK Daily Mail where MW was asked to write his own obituary. MW makes reference to his wish that his house be left to the nation as a museum. Now, that would mean that JPP could end up with a stream of visitors to the house next door to his own. But from this article, it would appear that the council are now not so interested in the offer of his property, because it is debatable whether MW will leave enough to pay for the upkeep of the mansion. So Jimmy may yet be saved from the inevitable intrusion of umpteen visitors next door, http://www.dailymail...s-obituary.html I am off to have a think and see if I am able to remember anything else. This thread was a very good topic for discussion.
  16. Thanks Steve. I'm guessing here, but I imagine Jimmy would probably buy copies for his children, as well. With regard as to when the next batch of books will be shipped, I was speaking to a retail manager yesterday who sources a lot of his stock from Italy. He told me that the Italians close down their production for the entire festive period, not returning to work until the second week in January. Therefore, it's anybody's guess as to when all the orders will be fulfilled. It's been a long haul.
  17. The UK Daily Mail has chosen Robert's album as the best album of the year. Hopefully, many more plaudits will follow. Why Plant is top of the Christmas tree: at 62, Led Zep's singer is our pick of the year's ten best albums By Adrian Thrills Last updated at 9:52 AM on 17th December 2010 1ROBERT PLANT: Band Of Joy (Decca) Robert Plant has spent much of the past three decades trying to live down his golden past as a bare-chested rock god. Only now, though, is he fully convincing the wider world that his talent didn't begin and end with Led Zeppelin, a band which changed the face of rock before splitting up after drummer John Bonham died in 1980. In a youth-obsessed industry, the 62-year-old Plant's resurgence, fuelled originally by 2007's Grammy-winning Raising Sand, has been remarkable. The singer described this year's Band Of Joy album as 'Haight-&shy;Ashbury meets Led Zeppelin III', the former being the cradle of Californian rock, the latter the record on which Zeppelin blended heavy riffs with folkier influences. But even that description didn't do justice to a sepia-tinted collection that found a rock legend singing tender ballads such as House Of Cards and Silver Rider with astonishing sensitivity. As with Raising Sand (a duets album with bluegrass singer Alison Krauss), Nashville once more provided plenty of inspiration. And, while Plant was the focal point, the record was a collective effort, with Krauss's shoes ably filled by Patty Griffin, and guitarist Buddy Miller evoking U2's Joshua Tree with some reverb-heavy riffs. It was a record, too, that chimed well with the rootsy Americana of a new wave of rock groups like The Black Keys, Fleet Foxes and Band Of Horses. For fans of: Led Zeppelin III.
  18. Ross Halfin has received his deluxe copy, which is number '2'. If the rumour that JP has book number 666 is true, then who has the Deluxe Edition Number '1'? Source: Ross Halfin's Diary December 17 Snowing in London again - cold, cold, cold. I got my Deluxe copy of the Jimmy Page book (I have number 2) and after becoming a bit blase about it, looking at it now I think it is a stunning book.
  19. Source: Ross Halfin's Diary Entry For 15 December December 15 A night out seeing Gogol Bordello at the Forum with Jimmy Page and Gordon Gheller. They encored with Ghost Riders In The Sky which I remember as a child - Jimmy thought it was by Frankie Laine. We got very well looked after, even given gambling chips to buy drinks and Eugene Hutz made a point of giving Jimmy and I the new Gogol Bordello cd as we left.
  20. Source: www.rockaaa.com Rockers Pink Floyd have triumphed over record bosses at EMI after they admitted breaching an agreement with the band to only sell their music as full albums. Label executives had a deal in place with the group that banned them from selling single tracks online or songs as ringtones. They were found to have violated the order in March and immediately filed an appeal challenging the court's decision. The case went before the Court of Appeal in London on Wednesday and officials ruled in Floyd's favour once again, stating the deal was put in place to preserve the band's integrity.
  21. Hi Magic, Maybe I am being cynical here, but I would rather that Genesis had sent all those of you who have yet to receive the book, a £40 cheque, rather than a token. A token is only useful if you wish to buy another one of Genesis' books,and they are all very expensive. I am pleased, however, that Genesis are finally keeping their buyers in the picture with a more detailed explanation for the delay.
  22. I dare say this documentary has been screened before (although the text says it 'premieres'), but I thought I'd include it for anyone interested in the ladies who are 'with' the band. On VH1, the series Rock Docs takes a look at "Rock's Greatest Groupies." Pamela Des Barres -- a supergroupie who has, um, "worked" with Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, and Keith Moon -- travels the country to hear the stories of others who say they are "with the band." The documentary premieres at 8:30pm.
  23. Hi Danny, You may still make it in showbusiness. The fact that you can't sing a note in tune would qualify you for the next series of The X Factor
  24. SAJ, It sounds like you are in need of some bromide
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