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    Power, Mystery & The Hammer of The Gods

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  1. Amazing it exists and equally amazing it was shared freely.
  2. I do hope the content becomes publicly available. Even though most if not all of these stories have been told in various ways through the years, Peter Grant as a storyteller is second to none and there are relatively few audio recordings.
  3. I'd say your well adapted to solving it. Agreed on the lower angle in Michael and Terry's shots, but I see the logic on as to why Ilpo Muso may not be the most likely among them.
  4. Possibly Robert's photographer friend Frank Melfi.
  5. Almost certainly Earls Court 1975, quite possibly May 17 or 18. Most likely photographer (in order): Michael Putland, Ilpo Muso or Terry O'Neill. As you explore their work, you'll find all three have taken images within a split second of this one. Ilpo Muso of Finland seems to have the most precise angle. I'm sure we'll match it eventually. RO did produce quite a few rock posters featuring Led Zeppelin, most of which appeared in the late 1970s, early 1980s.
  6. Oh, my sweet distorted smile watching Joe Biden, a lifelong grifter, crash and burn on the debate stage tonight. Trump's fire is noticeably diminished, but Biden's is fully extinguished. File this one under that which has been seen cannot be unseen. No one will soon forget Biden's ghostly, wax figure performance. Navigate another term? I doubt he can navigate a salad bar.
  7. I absolutely agree the outcome was not simply stolen, but it was indeed stolen. How? Primarily by the Deep State and media collusion to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop (election interference) and, as custard pie man alluded to above, the state legislature's enacting of illegitimate voting procedures (election interference). Remove either of these two factors and the outcome is demonstrably different.
  8. They ruled against legal challenges that were filed in five states, which is not the same as ruling the election was not stolen. Voter polls have revealed the media and Deep State's coverup of the Biden laptop story alone changed the outcome of the election. An honest society would call that what it is: election interference.
  9. I've been on this spinning rock long enough to know one thing for certain, and that is anyone who spews as much bullshit as you do is the textbook definition of a keyboard warrior. Cool guys don't walk around trying to convince others that they are cool, and tough guys don't bang out five paragraph dissertations attesting to how tough they are. Anyway, so now you hate me. Got it. Enjoy the show!
  10. He didn't lose the 2020 election; it was stolen and on that we can agree to disagree. I'll give you a perfect example of how a domestic terror attack will be used to infringe citizen's rights. Remember 9/11? Instead of implementing Constitutional, rationale security measures Big Government implemented an obscenely expensive, bloated one size fits all solution called Department of Homeland Security, within which is the Transporation Security Administration.
  11. He's going to win regardless. The outcome of the inevitable domestic terror attacks will be to further infringe upon the rights of law-abiding American citizens.
  12. Your community college education is showing. Do you know what had the single greatest impact upon the outcome of the 2020 election? Deep State and media collusion regarding the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop. Poll after poll has shown that were it not for their calculated and deliberate public misinformation campaign more than 20% of Biden voters would not have voted for Biden. Tactics such as this are how the election was stolen in plain sight, and similar tactics are being used this time around because we didn't hang them the last time. Can we agree Biden showed ZERO integrity concerning that? I think we can, given he was all in on it. Of course he's at peace with Hunter's conviction this week, because he can always issue Hunter a Presidential pardon.
  13. You are pitifully misinformed. Yes, I am on the record as expressing an appreciation for many of the 1st generation K-pop females that debuted from 2009-2014. I defy you to explore them and not report back with a rise in your Levis. That said, nearly all of those hits were written by Scandanavian songwriters. AI didn't exist!
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