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Posts posted by BUK

  1. Love topics like this. It brings me to a deeper understanding of the majesty of the Zep. It was what I was saying about the treatment of Zep as a "rock on dude" kind of band in another thread. They were so much more than that and deserved that level of regard.

    The symphonic/chorale arrangement of Stairway brings home what a beautifully written song it is.

    I prattle on about my Zep wannabe friend Ian Thornley and Big Wreck, but they did a show in Toronto in 2001with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra which short of the two Zep shows I saw in NYC '75 and '77 was the best show I have ever seen.

    They opened with this. The intro melody is "By the Way" which in it's original arrangement is VERY Zep. The song is Undersold and even though it's a bit rough because it was the first song, the strings really augment the song to great effect.

    Like I said, love these topics.

  2. I like and respect Jack Black. He's funny and VERY talented in a campy sort of way. I even dig that he "gets" Zep sincerely. Yet no-one would mistake him for a "serious" authority on music, or in any way serious about anything.

  3. Not to be a naysayer and piss on an evening honoring Zep...... I just found it kind of demeaning to have Jack Black do the intro. I get JB and what he's all about and I like that he's a fan, but it just goes to show you what the "establishment" really thinks of Zep. It's almost like they are a guilty pleasure to the high-brow. Zep, to me was/is a seriously game changing force in music. Compositionally, performing and recording as serious as any high brow Jazz or Blues maestro. What they did to and for rock music can never be underestimated. Zep is MORE than a "rock on dude" perpetual teenage phase. That they were so gracious, and could laugh at themselves and could enjoy the "common folk" nature of their fans is testament to their broad appeal, but in my opinion, they belong in a place of high honor equal to the most classic artists. What say y'all?

  4. Myles Kennedy in Total Guitar says:

    I toured with these guys in the 90's, and I'm thrilled with this record. Ian and Brian sound great. Ian is an amazing guitar player, singer and songwriter. "the dude is crazy talented. I can't recommend it enough."


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