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Posts posted by BUK

  1. Great article. Love Myles' humility. To other rock stars near his age, he's become "The guy that Jammed with Zep". Immediate respect and cred. Yet Myles in his humble self sees them all as fans, rather than elevating himself. That's maturity. He deserves the recognition.


  2. Kings X

    I just got this CD recorded back in the day (1992) from Cleveland. KingsX were one of the "bridge" bands for me to discover new heavy rock music. They were played alongside Temple of the Dog, and Pearl Jam and could be considered fore-runners of the grunge sound. Incredibly talented 3 piece band, with vocal harmonies and pop chops that balance their heaviness.

    Give a listen.


    Also I highly recommend Dug Pinnicks CD Strum It Up. A total KICK ASS groove laden CD!!!!


    And a local NJ guy, playing good old fashioned R&B. Kind of a cross between the Beatles and Stevie Wonder. VERY clever, catchy pop song writing. I actually saw him open for Johnny Winter. Give a listen.



  3. Thanks D,

    I started to feel like Lloyd Bridges in "Airplane", "I picked a bad day to post pictures" in the midst of all the misunderstanding and controversy.

    I still love the old pix. I hope it gives the young-uns hope; to see the silly phases you go through as what they are... silly.

    It's funny how the years change us. Trying to embrace the inevitable; screaming and kicking.hah!

  4. Love lookin' at all the old pix, peeps.

    My God the pitiful hairdoos I had...

    From '67...


    to '75...


    to '77 (the clothing optional decade)...


    to '78 (OMG what was I thinking)...


    to '79 (the vertically challenged years)...


    The only known picture of me in the '80's....


    I skipped almost 3 decades and this is what happened to me...

    (not bad for almost 55 - God's been good to us)


  5. Your picture of Jimmy with the bow reminded me....

    ....of another REALLY old drawing. I was totally into lighting and shade back in '79.

    I've gotta get away from the computer and pick up a pencil again. It's just so tedious. One day maybe.

    Thanks for the inspiration.


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