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Posts posted by BUK

  1. Since you bring up the "nearly mighty" Physical Graffitti:

    I always loved to dance. From the time I was 3-4 dancing on the bar to "Summertime" by the Jaimies in '64 (hey, I was a little kid raised by wolves) to the "Twist" contest my sister and I won at a town picnic. I always dug the dancing.

    When my brother and I went to see a local (East coast US) Zep impersonation band called Physical Graffitti (they were incredible, by the way) at supper club (tables and a dancefloor) in the 80's, I met this wonman named Rose. We compared pix of our kids, we were both married yada, yada, yada. Anyway we both were huge Zep fans.

    The band came on and after a few songs the dancefloor was empty. She and I decided to dance. I just met her, but we had this incredible Zep-in-the-veins connection. We danced to 4-5 Zep numbers, as if we were ballroom dancing. Spinning, dipping, shuffling and clutching like no married people should be doing outside of their marriage. It was such a perfect moment of Zep in motion that after the band finished up the first part of the set, the band applauded us, and the whole joint acknowledged the moment. I've never danced professionally (I cannot stand the rehearsed aspect of dancing - if it doesn't come in a moment of inspiration I don't want to do it), I had never met this woman before, or since, but in a moment under the Zeppelin magic, even twice removed, we were like puppets to the music. We let the music be our master, so to speak. I'll never forget it.

    All this to say that, I ALWAYS thought of Zep to be dance music. If you watch clips of Jimmy, it's clear that his Gibson was his dance partner. He just couldn't resist.

  2. You're kiddin' me, right?

    Search "Thornley" on this site. If I'm not attached to every mention I'll eat my foot. I have been

    Glad to see another Zephead feels the connect to Big Wreck. The new Thornley is gonna drop next month.

  3. Alter Bridge


    Earl Greyhound




    The Raconteurs


    Robert Randolph


    Fairfield AD


    Along with the Foos, Collective Soul, The Mars Volta and others. There is much new music with a very "Classic" feel/spirit. The old music didn't die it is being re-born. It continues in these bands. They've updated the recording but maintained the textures and dynamics of the best of the late 60's 70's (The high water mark for rock music IMHO). These guys are carrying the torch - further. NOT COVER BANDS!

    Even though they are finding it rough going in today's market, I think some of the song writing competes with the classics in quality. As if they could be long lost music from whom they draw.


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