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Everything posted by kirchzep27

  1. Damn, well said and thought out -magic sam. I'm gonna have to re read this again, alot of info there and some musical tech stuff that i dont understand, but i'm following the bulk of it. I have read arguments in magazines over the years and have some of the original songs questioned and came to similar conclusions, but certainly could never formulate it into any kind of discussion.
  2. phish-character zero i was taught a month ago to bide my time and take it slow but then i learned just yesterday to rush and never waste the day now im convinced the whole day long that all i learned was always wrong listened to it a few times today
  3. phish-prince caspian oooooh to be prince caspian and float upon the waves
  4. phish-theme from the bottom so i ask you why, as i'm swimming by
  5. phish-waste wow, how a band can from intense songs to this...pretty cool.
  6. phish-free we'll hear a tiny cry as the ship goes passing by
  7. john mellancamp-check it out mabye we'll have a better understanding
  8. the rolling stones-waiting on a friend watching girls pass by, it aint the latest thing
  9. Here on the south shore of long island, there are coastal evacuation signs...which is topic for conversation, because the traffic is so thick anyway. If there was a hurricane with a high tide, tidal surge, there would be no evacuation at all....it would be days of traffic getting over the bridges. Queens and brooklyn are long island too, so the concentration around the bridges is insane...it basically wouldnt happen... that is, if it were a bad hurricane w/a bad tidal surge and it happen to be a high tide, because there are alot of people on the south shore.
  10. the doors-unknown soldier the mcneil news hour on pbs has the folks lost in iraq each night.
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