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Everything posted by DAS

  1. I don't expect to see Jimmy solo again but I still have some hope that he may get involved with someone again like he did with the Black Crowes when they put out an album and toured together. I wouldn't bet on it but it is possible. Even more possible maybe he just puts out an album of old stuff. Like a solo concert or something. He is in the album releasing business again what with the Death Wish 2 release and Lucifer Rising (which I don't count as a new album since it has been a popular bootleg for decades).
  2. Don't Do It - The Band (The last song they ever played together)
  3. ^ Exactly what one of the machines would say!
  4. We shall not be content until all of real life has been replaced by technology. When the machines try to take over we won't able to put up a fight since our solution will be to have our machines build more machines to stop the machines because we are too lazy.
  5. City Don't Cry - Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
  6. ^ If the latter is the case we can also look forward to alot of really screwed up porn shows unfortunately. This will prompt alot of lawsuits. This will lead to it being a campaign issue in the US presidential election. The Republicans will present it as being for protecting people's imagines and dignity. The Democrats will present their side as being for people's right to digital free speech. All either side will care about is the fact that if they keep it legal they can tax it so it will stay legal.
  7. If it is indeed a hologram they are just replaying something. Just like a video. So I don't really see it as an ethical issue. If they are creating this from scratch and just looks like them then it is an ethical issue (and a cartoon just a really fancy one).
  8. Personally I'm not into the whole recreating dead musicians thing. There are a TON of shows like this that tour regularly. I think the most popular being the Elvis ones where they use video and audio of the King singing with a live band playing the music. I'm a big Elvis fan but that just doesn't sound like something I'd want to go see. I've never actually been to one so I might change my mind if I saw one in person. Not even a Led Zeppelin one sounds appealing though so I'll probably never go to one. But I admit it does sound like the best way to try and relive a musical act you may have missed out on so it is a good idea.
  9. Is it a hologram? I can't tell. It looked fake to me. He looks very two dimensional. If it is a hologram I guess it essentially is a video.
  10. I don't blame people. We all desperately want more Led Zeppelin. It's not going to happen but not everyone has come accept that yet. I wish they were right. Robert Plant is still very active and John Paul Jones does something here or there. The most we can hope for is for Jimmy Page to put out another album and and tour which is possible.
  11. In The Evening - Led Zeppelin
  12. Why not just watch an actual video? Why watch a cartoon version?
  13. Looks fake to me. To be honest, I don't think it would be that good. Sorry folks, Dave Grohl just doesn't have the voice to sing the Led Zeppelin songs on tour. Have you heard them playing Rock And Roll and Ramble On? He sang poor at best. I don't even really think he has a good enough voice to record an album with the Page/Jones style. Put him on drums and now we're talking. Find a better and more appropriately styled singer or do mostly instrumentals. But not on vocals. There is a reason he didn't start his career as a singer. He's not terrible but he's not that good either.
  14. 1 Vote for now! Someone has a grandpa fetish. :3
  15. I think you mean Band Of Joy instead of Yardbirds or New Yardbirds. That was the name of the band him and Bonzo were in before Led Zeppelin. Two of their songs can be heard on Sixty Six To Timbuktu (Hey Joe and For What It's Worth).
  16. The worst offenses: Mary J. Blige - Stairway To Heaven Dolly Parton - Stairway To Heaven Kiss- Whole Lotta Love But let me not forget to give mention to the catastrophical abomination Immigrant Song by Trent Reznor (wasn't that the name of a Super Mario World boss?) and Karen O. Miss O even stated after she'd recorded the cover that she didn't know who Led Zeppelin was and she thought she was singing a song named "Pilgrim Song." And Reznor said that the song was "more aggressive" then Led Zeppelin's original version because they were ignoramuses.
  17. I don't really like any of the cover songs. The best I believe is Rock And Roll by Van Hagar. They really did a good job but they were just eclipsed by how amazing Led Zeppelin performs the song.
  18. Rocky Mountain Way - Joe Walsh
  19. Blue Ridge Mountain Sky - The Marshall Tucker Band
  20. Hotel booked. I'll be staying in Clarksdale's finest one star resort. lol
  21. In The Air Tonight - Phil Collins
  22. If the world was actually ending I would kidnap the Page, Plant and Jones and make them play it. What could you do about it? We'd all be dead anyways. Gonna send me to corpse jail? They'd probably never talk to me in Rock And Roll Heaven but It'd be worth it.
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