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Everything posted by april_lynn

  1. I read that too! I think where I saw it was in the issue of Guitar World with the 3D cover they did for the 40th anniversary of Led Zeppelin III. Unfortunately that's one of the magazines that I left in Cornwall so I can't look back at it! Argh.
  2. ^^ OH MY GOD!! I have always wanted to see in this book! They're all amazing of course, but I especially love the one of him standing on his balcony! These are so cool!
  3. Wow! Stunning Thank you aen27
  4. Aww don't be silly that's fine! I'd still be upset if that had happened to me. I was lucky and didn't lose anything like that, but I'm glad you're past it as well Thank you so much!
  5. Aww you guys! It never ceases to amaze me how sweet you all are!! Thank you all Well I found out a lot more today and it's good news! The insurance will cover it Slave to Zep as long as I can prove that I maintaned heat which I can and though the damage was a lot worse than I thought it was I get to pick out all new hardwood floors which also could have done with replacing and new kitchen cupboards and countertops!! Plus the nasty old basement carpet! So yeah Fool in the Rain hopefully when I put it back on it will sell for loads more!! The insurance was actually really helpful and they're the ones who will set up all the builders and everything! They're estimating that it will take 3 months to repair, so a bit more than I thought but fantastic news since I only have to pay the deductible which is 70 times less than the work that need to be done! Literally. Haha Strider, my Trilogy of Terror! Actually I will be delayed, but because of the thing I was counting as my second trauma. My visa was refused But only because of a couple technicalities with my application and they've been pretty helpful and have sent me the appeal forms so I'm working on that as well at the moment! It's really okay though and I feel positive that with my corrections I will get it. Also the appeal only costs 80pounds so that's a bonus! Aww JB126 that's terrible about your records. I'm so sorry!
  6. ^^ Definitely! And the look he's giving in the last one
  7. I know right! Well my house is for sale (it's not the one I'm staying in and it's empty so that was good) and I haven't been there for over a week and apparently my furnace went out and all the pipes burst! My estate agent called and told me about this. I had the water shut off and tomorrow morning they'll be pumping the water out of it. I went there today and only got as far as the front door and it is such a disaster it's unreal! I still haven't seen the upstairs or the garage, but needless to say it's off the market now! One positive point is that I'll hopefully get a new basement carpet now which really coulda done with replacing anyways! And bad things come in threes so I think that's me done for a while hopefully!
  8. Another day another house flood, only a proper one this time. My basement is under two foot of water and the first floor ceiling has come down. Not looking forward to a month of insurance claims and tradesmen...
  9. Well at least you like Jimmy too!
  10. Oh it would for sure, but he's got his hand over his face as well. I do love his outfit though.
  11. Aww I thought you were for Jimmy now too!! I love Jimmy's tiger shirt! I have a tiger dress (like a dress with a cartoon tiger on it) and people say it's ugly, but I swear it's cute!
  12. He looks like a sexy vampire here!
  13. Oh wow I've never seen coverage of that! He does look so sweet!
  14. Awww so many cute ones!!! This is my favourite! He looks like an angel there
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