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Posts posted by Stryder1978

  1. Our week of winter hell continues.....chance for snow this morning, again tomorrow night...AGAIN on Saturday.  We've been below freezing for daytime for a week and a half so far and won't be above until Thursday.  One day of blue skies in the last two weeks.

    And next week we get hit with an artic blast with daytime highs around] 15 degrees.

    PLEASE donate to the global warming fund!

  2. Seven inches of wet, heavy snow the last two days and it's 7 degrees above zero.  More chances for snow on Friday, Sun/Mon and next Wed.  Temps well below average in the mid 20's and low 30's for the next 7+ days.

    More records set this winter (and not god ones) as the recent storm dumped the most snow for a January snow event in over 30 years (Jan is normally one of our driest months).

    Please send that global warming that we've been lectured about....PLEASE!

  3. Just started to get the streets and gutters cleared of ice from the last few storms and we now get 8 straight days of temps in the low 30's, 7 inches of snow tonight/tomorrow and more chances for snow on Friday and Sunday.  It's been barely above freezing here and cloudy almost everyday since Christmas.

    Still waiting for that global warming to kick in.......   

  4. Biden caught on camera apparently mistaking Salvation Army for Secret Service during El Paso trip

    Greg Wehner
    Mon, January 9, 2023 at 2:54 PM MST
    In this article:
    • Joe Biden
      Joe Biden
      President of the United States since 2021

    President Biden visited the US-Mexico border for the first time in his presidency – and the first verified border trip during his decades in politics – at El Paso, Texas, on Sunday.

    The president spoke with members of the Border Patrol, walked along the towering wall separating Texas from Mexico, and visited a migrants center.

    Biden Secret Service Confusion
    President Biden was introduced to members of the Salvation Army during Sunday’s visit to El Paso, Texas. After shaking hands with one of the members, Biden said, "I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and Ukraine."

    As the president walked in at the migrants center, a woman said, "And here we have the folks from the Salvation Army.


    Biden then walked up to one of the uniformed men standing there and shook his hand.

    "I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and Ukraine," the president said.


    This is not the first time Biden has mixed up his words when speaking. He has repeatedly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as "President Harris."


    In November, the president fumbled his words during a press conference and mixed up the Iraqi city of Fallujah with the Ukrainian city of Kherson.

  5. 1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Did I mention the smell??   On windy hot days all you could smell was chickenshit all over the neighborhood.

    My next door neighbor raised ducks as his daughter was allergic to chicken eggs.  As if the smell wasn't bad enough in the summer, the flies that infested the neighborhood was worse!

  6. 23 minutes ago, zeplz71 said:

    No, it's "the left" that's degraded over the past years. Funny how you always want to censor other's opinions if they don't agree with yours.


    You are exactly right...and censoring or cancelling opposing opinions is what the left does best!

  7. 3 hours ago, Strider said:


    Weather isn't a religion. And weather and climate are two separate things. Extreme cold weather does not disprove global warming. But I am not surprised that the same people who want to play at being doctors now fancy themselves climate experts.

    Better tell that to all your global warming PhD buddies, because just this morning on the news they announced that 2022 saw a record  number of forest fires in the US ("a result of climate change") and later in the same broadcast, last week's incursion  of the polar vortex "has many scientists stating this is a result of recent global warming".  We here that nonsense every Fall at the beginning of the hurricane season (weather) about how they predict MORE and MORE Powerful hurricanes this season due to climate change....only to be wrong AGAIN! 

  8. Today is the first day here in Northern Colorado where we have sunshine AND above freezing temperatures.

    Last Wed Night: -18 F (-28 C)

    Thurs High Day Temp of -6 F (-21 C)

    Temperature swing on Wed night in one hour:  A drop of 35 degrees.

    Temperature drop in 24 hours from Wed Night to Thurs night:  A drop of 69 degrees.

    Our coldest day in 23 years was Thursday.


    Yet the global alarmists still are still wanting more tax money to keep the Earth's temperature from rising!


  9. Polar vortex hits us this week.

    Wed Night: -13 degrees (-23C)

    Thurs high: 3 degrees (-18C)

    Thurs Night: -13 degrees (-23C)

    Friday: 13 degrees (-12C)

    Friday Night: 6 degrees

    On top of the temps, they are predicting 3-5 inches of snow and high winds.

    When does that "global warming" kick in again? 

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