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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Yeah I know, though to be frank I can see this thread becoming "Hot Pics of Robert mark 2", where I'm starting to take pictures from that thread then putting them on here so we can drool and discuss....I don't see the sense of it but whatever it takes not for me to get banned. The whole thing has kinda taken the fun out of it all.

    I'm sorry guys, I cannot understand why you let one stupid request derail you so much. I will still drool in the Hot pics of Robert thread until i get bleeding banned^^ I mean, with a title like "Hot pics of Robert", what the heck does one expect :Thinking:

    I'm of course not blaming any of you, but I'm seriously sad that the Hot pics of Robert thread got caught by negativity too..

  2. You have to remind me of what lick n flip is, I kinda got caught up/carried away in "lemongate" in the hot pics thread that my mind went a bit gaga, but I've found out that there is a "postition" going in Roberts earlobe that needs "tending" to (I dont know how that all sounds lol)...at this rate Planty will soon have a little harem going here :D

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