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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. No clw, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I tend to get painful flareups in the tendons of my shoulders, I had to take today off from work because I didn't get any sleep last night and my shoulder this morning just locked

  2. After a day of shoulder pain and doped up to the eyeballs in painkillers....this is the kinda treatment I REALLY needed....thankyou!!


    That butt is begging to be pinched and squeezed and smacked

  3. As much as I would to wear a pair of heeled boots, I can't (due to RA). I have to stick to flat shoes :(. I think if my Rheumatologist was to

    see me in a fab pair of kick ass heeled red boots, he'll go nuts at me

  4. They seem to be really happy and I think that's great. I don't mind the fantasies that some on here have about him, it would be nice if people weren't derogatory about her though. Oh well, everyone's got their opinion. Thanks again for the cool pictures everyone :)

    I like Patty, I remember once saw her with Robert and BOJ and admiring a pair of knee length red boots she was wearing that night, I thought they were utterly georgous...sorry just rambling here a bit :)

  5. Two old age pensioners are having a 69.

    After five minutes he says, "Sorry, love, the smell's too bad down there - I can't carry on."

    "That'll be my arthritis," she says.

    "What? I never heard of anyone having arthritis in their f***y before."

    "No," she says. "It's in my arms and hands... I can't wipe me arse."

  6. I know this is a picture thread, but I'm sure you gals wouldn't mind this lil piece..oh god I'm melting away, he's adorable!!

    Thats one of my fav clips, in fact it's in my favourite "file" on my youtube account but don't ask me how many Robert Plant/Led Zep stuff I have on it as I've lost count.

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