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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. plus I love his beard in that, I wasn't too keen when he grew it a bit at the sides of his face (during the Celebration day press conference) I think that made him look older and slightly unkempt

  2. Those startling blue eyes that strip you down and stare right into your soul...


    As far as I know he doesn't just stare right into your soul, with a look like that he's more likely to steal your soul :blink:

  3. tumblr_mb83ndwYQq1r7622qo2_500.png couldn't you just draw round and round and round that tummy hair/belly button with your fingers for hoursszzzzz.....

    *sigh* :wub::wub: :wub: In fact...I think the phrase "round and round the garden, goes a teddy bear...." has just popped into my mind, where I'd "tickle" him is anyones guess! ;)

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