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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. look at him showing his ass off like that. he knows he was a hot thing flaunting himself around like that.

    He certainly does, just look at how he gropes his own bum at the end of STH on the Celebration Day DVD, I think he was teasing us.

  2. I'd really like to know the story behind those pics. Where or what the hell happened to his shorts?? [Not that we are complaining]

    Thanks for sharing, Pagette! :D

    I'd like to think that I borrowed a time machine and stole the shorts and then saw Robert pointing an accusing finger at me as I scarpered off :lol:

  3. I saw Robert with BOJ in Belfast, I was sitting on balcony seats less than 10 feet away from him and it was really like being in the presence of God, but boy does he have BIIIIIIG feet!! and you know what that means ;) HUUUUGE lemon!!! lol

    But besides staring at lemons, he has a lovely way with his audience and I do recall one moment that he called a girl in the audience "a wee monkey" as in a way that you would call a loved one in a jokey way like maybe a father/grandfather would call a youngster which I thought was endearing and brought a smile to my face

  4. tumblr_mgi263G1IW1ru9qwvo1_500.jpg

    I remember reading that he had flu in that picture, poor baby, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me dressing up as a naughty nurse and looking after him....

    Oh dear! Did I say that too loud??

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