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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. I'm looking for a photo, I have it in a book somewhere but I can't scan it. It shows Robert with a tambourine, closing his eyes, head tilted slightly back and with a smile on is face as if he is in a dream-like state. I think it was taken from Earls Court if anyone could help please :)

  2. yes, what makes them different is they were able to withstand time . their music is what kept us hooked. so while they were clearly attractive in their younger days we still find them to be so as they get older and we don't need some fake cover to see it.

    I wonder what the publishers thought about the cover,In a image obsessed world we live in now, I can imagine them pouring over the original photos and thought..."um this could do with a tweek here and there" reguardless to what the real public/people or Robert, Jimmy and JP thinks.

    In fact I like to wonder what the boys think of it.

    (the real pubic, I mean the likes of people who love them for what they DO best, and not just a "celebrity" status)...I hope that makes sense

  3. Ashamedly, Mothership was how I got pulled in.

    Same here!

    I must admit I'm a more recent one, got hooked about 5 years ago while going through a rough time with a illness (which is long term :( ) One day when I was feeling a bit like my old self, went for a drive, glorious sunshine and Kashmir blasting (on repeat) and that was it. Totally hooked

    I know that is gonna sound cheesy, but they have helped me with the bad times

  4. Reguarding to the Guitar World mag...in my honest opinon, they should have left the picture as nature intended. The boys look like they have been photoshopped to death.

    Does anyone know where you can get the original?

  5. I had a lovely day at Kinallen village Christmas fair. It's a typical tiny Irish village, quite rural but we had a great time and got to see my cousins 2 kiddies. The soup we had went down a treat :)

    ^^(Oh and congrats on the job front Joe)^^

  6. While we are on the subject about his... dare I say, lovely bum. Did anyone notice during the Celebration Day/02, he gave it a good squeeze?? (cannot for the life of me during which segment it happened) Some guys sitting behind me at the cinema commented on Percy squeezing his own arse and I couldn't stop laughing...goes to show ya that fellas even notice!!!

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