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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. @JP78 & SosoZoso - I agree a hundred and ten percent. Knebworth was just a culmination of sexiness, intensity and humility all rolled into one. Especially when he almost tears up when thanking the fans for sticking around with them for 12 years. Urgh. Almost like a foreshadowing, you know? :(

    Anyway! No time to start thinking sad thoughts! Here's some more eye candy for the weekend!



    [You do NOT want to know the captions I had for this one when I saw it.]

    Oh I would like to know!! heehee

  2. I mean, the snake was going to go down his pants, right? Well, we decided, I think, it was a "she" snake. If so, she probably saw what she was after and said "OMG, I can't possibly take that on." Or, did the deed. Yep, I think she did because Percy has a big smile on his pretty face...just sayin'. :bravo:

    I get you now! Sorry I got brain fuzz, must be the hotness behind the snake heehee

  3. He really looks nothing like him, but I always see William Shakespeare in bearded Robert

    mind you, i prefer the beard he has now but here he looks like a swashbuckling hero, one of the musketeers!! he could rescue me and have his wicked way with me

    just thought of led zeppelin as dartanian (spell??) and the 3 musketeers!! one for all....heehee

  4. I love that photoset of him with Carmen. Or maybe it's just how good that shirt looks on him. :)

    Anyone know what the heck he's holding in this one? I just imagine him going "You're getting veeeeeery sleeeeeepy".


    You probably think I'm daft for saying this, but that thing that Robert is holding reminds me of one of those old fashioned air freshner things that you used to hang in your closet. We had one years and years ago and it was egg shaped, ceramic with a patteren on it and it kept the clothes smelling sweet?????

    Bizarre to think of Planty with one of them....*trails off*..........

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