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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. ^Still is a honey!!! I've just noticed the last few Robert rambles, us ladies have been fawning over him like crazy and it is the start of the spring season...catch my drift?? ;)

    It must be something in the air :)

  2. He looked right at me like that on my Saturday night dream, very vivid it was too I remember just melting into his blue eyes, I swear....then the worst bit came, I woke :(

  3. Sexual innuendo?? Who? us? me?!? never!!!....*cough cough*... terrible cold coming on there...*ahem*

    Well on a slightly serious note there thanks ladies, I needed a bit of a laugh :)

  4. Not so much as what I'm watching but rather what I'm looking for (sorry if there is another topic for this but I can't be bothered looking for it!)

    A few years ago, the BBC screened a very graphic drama called "Witchcraze". It was to do with an alleged witch called Agnes Sampson and the Berwick witch trials during the reign of James the I of England (done in a shakey Blair Witch camera style) I have driven myself round the bend looking for it, either video, dvd or any clips on the internet but cannot find it.

    Can anyone help??

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