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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. You know what makes me sad as we can think and dream all we want and that is all we ever are going to get

    Its a harmless bit of fun, try not to take it seriously...a girl can dream can't she?

  2. Since y'all seem to be having the munchies for Robert, let's say you've been given the task of shopping for some edible underwear for him.

    What kind would you buy (and no lemon-related things either!) and why? :whistling:

    Well does anyome remember candy necklaces yonks ago? There were bracelet/watch and necklace style, each individual "bead" was coloured candy....how about a candy thong for Robert? Size xxxx long of course ;). Plus would I need a reason why!
  3. maybe it's because it was blonde so harder to see sometimes. maybe we need some robert without pants pics to study this issue.


    Or Robert without undies for that matter and if you're caught ogling at him, just say it's research

  4. I think that may be Daltrey, can't be too sure though. Its funny how we can notice all of Robert's familiar parts including little Robert Anthony

    Thats because we've been drooling over Robert too long to notice little things lol

  5. I don't think thats him, the side profile of his face is different, lack of body hair as LLH said and the waistline is too skinny. The chin looks different or is it just me??

  6. In fact you know what? I have a chocolate/winter supply belly to lose in the next 2 or so months before Summer really kicks in, forget Beyonce or Nicole Kidman you want to look like....chose Robert instead!! lol

  7. Just back from a lovely Easter day out with my dad in Downpatrick, reacquainting myself with the camera, visiting St Patricks grave, the old Downpatrick Gaol and finally a wee trip on the steam train to Inch Abbey, freezing as it was, I really enjoyed it :)

  8. Holy God!! I've never seen that before! I swear he's got better looking legs than I have.

    As for it being feminine-ish, or if it's real, they didn't have photoshop back in the 70's? Still he looks better than me, not fair and not right!

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