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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Hmmmm, as I said in the hot pics thread, us Plantaides have to come up with different departments for "tending" to different er...parts of Robert, I voted for looking after Roberts hands and fingers (I've got a thing about his hands *shrugs*) I think RedHairedQueen has gone for his hair...

    We need a nipple tweeker, feet massager, ummm "bulge" inspector (that would be a plum job for someone...no pun), bottom checker. Any other suggestions?

  2. Sorry fellas, but a girls' gotta do what a girl's gotta do...I don't like starting new topics, I kinda get nervous and I know that some people would have something to say about this/roll eyes/tut etc....

    Righto ladies, this is the place to air your thoughts, feelings and drool as much as you like..



  3. Ok, fairs fair and all that....this is a place for hot pics of Robert, ladies we can continue the drooling etc over at the "What do you like about Robert" thread at Led Zeppelin Newbies and let rip...



  4. As long you do not go as far as applying straightners to his locks!

    I can become his personal hand/finger massager, moisturize, rub etc... making sure those little digits get a good pampering and in fact each plantaide can be asigned to different "departments' of his *ahem* anatomy.....agree ladies??

    In fact I can already sense a despute over a certain bit department

    did somebody say something about fluffy hair? that hair needs a shampoo, conditioner, deep condonitioner, head and scalp massage pronto and guess who's doing his hair? Me! :D

  5. Take loads of hot drinks, lemon, honey and ginger twice daily. I managed to kill a cold doing that before it mutated into something nasty, also if you can lay your hands on some Olbas Oil (You can get it in the UK but dunno about the States though)

    Hope that helps :)

    i'm down with a bad cold :(

  6. I would love to be known as a full time plantaide, but i'm also willing to help out the pagettes every once in a while

    Doing "the double"?

    (i'm sure you can fit a gag in there somewhere)

  7. ummm...."Plants' Pants", "The Lemon Squeezers", or the "RLA's" (Roberts Lemon Appreciation Society) errrr... the RBA's (Roberts Bum Appreciation Society)

    Can't think of any more

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