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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Nope it was honey, lemon and ginger. In fact I recently had a head cold and I normaly take hot lemon and honey until I saw that clip and I thought "ahhh ginger!!??". Then popped into the supermarket and bought fresh ginger root and bingo! head cold gone!

    Robert is good for your health...literally :)

  2. Pity this wasn't facebook, as I would click "like" :)

    Seriously, just close your eyes and listen to his voice and it's like he's still the same young man from all those years ago...but then again, that accent...unf!

    He can drone the letters of the alphabet and it will still sound fascinating!

  3. Cuddable? lol is that a word?? I think it is now!

    OMG JP78! Love those pictures!

    And for some reason those recent ones from the concerts make him just edible/cuddable/huggable/snuggable etc. etc.


  4. post-24991-0-14971100-1365383328.jpg

    Holy cow, would you look at that! That smile, Those eyes, the look.. :drool: .looks like he could have you for breakfast, tea and supper all in one...in fact that Hungry Eyes song has just popped into my mind

    Altogether now ladies "Huuuuuungry eyeeeees" :stereo::standup_bass::accordian:smiley-music021.gif

  5. Kate Bush doing Sandy's part sounds like it'd be freaking amazing. Wow, I would love to hear that.

    I agree, I think Kate Bush would be the closet to Sandys singing range considering that a lot of modern day female singers all sound the same, plus Kate is awesome

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