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Posts posted by SozoZoso

  1. Just watching that Aussie interview where Robert says that one more silly question, he'll put her over his knee...well that and me eating chocolate watching that, if I was there that would be certainly an invite!!

    *And crap.. did I say that out loud???*

  2. I keep looking at that shopping picture thinking about what he is thinking, also I wonder what would be on his list??


    Lemons (even if he provides his own)


    a bottle of red wine

    a copy of rolling stone, so he could check himself out...(???)

    frizz ez shampoo

    frizz ez conditioner

    can anyone think of anything else?? actually this could be another topic, "the boys shopping list"

  3. Definately, I tried to do that with a friend of mine but she thinks that Robert as he is now is too old, and Robert, when younger, looks too feminine...you can't bloody win

    But then again shes into all that hip hop "artists"...or what I would call it in my day, plain old singers and they're a load of crap...give me the good old days of 70's and 80's rock gods

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