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Sue Dounim

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Everything posted by Sue Dounim

  1. So I learned today that there was a Godzilla pachinko game made in Japan in 2006 that had new live action monster fights filmed specifically for the game and it's called CR Godzilla 3S-T Battle. I watched a few scenes on YouTube and it looks really cool. Steve, did you know about this? I'd like to know if there's a higher quality video than the super-compressed 480p videos on YouTube.
  2. I finally saw it two days ago. As far as the human characters go, Bryan Cranston was the only interesting person. What possessed them to kill his character I'll never know or understand. Everyone else was terribly bland and what they did (and didn't do) with Dr. Serizawa's character is criminal. The actual overall story is great, fantastic even, but none of the people are interesting in their own right. The monster action, when there was some, was superb. The CGI wasn't always 100% believable (contrast with Peter Jackson's King Kong), but the fights were thoroughly enjoyable. The music mostly did what it was supposed to, but the overall score is largely forgettable with no real standout tracks. I'd rate it a 7/10. It's worth watching again, but it leaves a fair bit to be desired.
  3. I'm very ape and very nice

  4. not mine, but http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/15340-best-live-version-of-achilles/
  5. Nirvana Live on December 4, 1991 at The Academy in Manchester, UK.
  6. Page & Plant playing Since I've Been Loving You on October 3, 1995 at the Irvine Meadows. Everybody's on fire, my favorite version now.
  7. I would kill for all of those, especially the Sanda and Gaila set. I can't bring myself to watch Son of Godzilla, it's too painful. The worst Godzilla suit ever, giant mantis' (WHY?) and a giant spider do not make fitting main villains. Plus the story is completely uninteresting. Strider, I really dug that panning lookback on the '98 film. Hits every point exactly.
  8. I've seen gifs of that around on tumblr, glad to actually see the real thing, thanks. Am I the only one who notices the similarities to the car chase from the end of the '98 film?
  9. Actually with that Godzilla-themed Snickers commercial, even the more hardcore fans have admitted it's pretty funny.
  10. If you understand why this is funny, we'll get along just fine c:
  11. I would kill for an official release of the video for 1996/02/29. I can't see any P&P stuff getting released any time soon, due to lack of demand from anyone outside of people who've seen their shows or the diehards who hang around here, but it's a real shame because most of those shows are great.
  12. Not to be a stickler, but I've already made a thread on this topic quite some time ago.
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