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Sue Dounim

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Posts posted by Sue Dounim

  1. I don't think so. Gotta protect the kids, you know.

    I figured as much. Was gonna post a pic of Demi Moore for proper perspective for those who've had the fortune of not seeing her amazonian thighs.
  2. Not one for the tropical rain forest, either...especially when it extends to the legs and navel. Trimmed and groomed is fine. But not to excess.

    For example, I hate those who have obviously watched too much porn and have adapted the Hitler mustache look. You know, where everything is bare except a small square patch of hair above that looks like Hitler's mustache. Or one of those long thin pencil strips of hair that look equally silly.

    Ha, I'm afraid of when we get to the moment where someone's actual shaving habits accidentally get called out. :whistling:
  3. I had to get used to that when I was in Europe in the 80s...hairy legs, too. Now it's not as prevalent as more European girls have been influenced by the American pop culture, and not only shave their legs and armpits, but bikini wax their pubes as well.

    Actually, once I got used to the difference, it didn't really bother me. Most girls had soft hair anyway, so it felt kind of nice...a kind of downy softness. Especially if they were a blonde...like a Scandinavian girl. Since they had never shaved, the hair on their legs was barely noticeable.

    And I've always preferred a muff on a girl...don't like the bare bikini wax look; too pre-pubescent.

    I've never been with a "hairy girl", but I don't think I would mind all that much as long as she showered on a regular basis.

    And as for the muff, I'm not that picky. If it's trimmed and maintained that's fine, but it bugs the shit out of me when a girl has a tropical rain forest going on between her legs. (i.e., Demi Moore circa the '80's.) XP Yiiccchh.

  4. What is this "porn" you speak of? It sounds like a mystical, enchanting thing!




    This reminds me of the plastic-surgery monstrosities running around during that one scene with Bruce Campbell from 'Escape From L.A."! XD
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