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Everything posted by weslgarlic

  1. Tomorrow Never Knows – The Beatles
  2. Both their last albums could have been from the late 80's onwards
  3. window not showing again
  4. At Sea As night hath stars, more rare than ships In ocean, faint from pole to pole, So all the wonder of her lips Hints her innavigable soul. Such lights she gives as guide my bark; But I am swallowed in the swell Of her heart's ocean, sagely dark, That holds my heaven and holds my hell. In her I live, a mote minute Dancing a moment in the sun: In her I die, a sterile shoot Of nightshade in oblivion. In her my elf dissolves, a grain Of salt cast careless in the sea; My passion purifies my pain To peace past personality. Love of my life, God grant the years Confirm the chrism - rose to rood! Anointing loves, asperging tears In sanctifying solitude! Man is so infinitely small In all these stars, determinate. Maker and moulder of them all, Man is so infinitely great!
  5. Aint you supposed to throw it away and forget what you've read after you've finished reading it ?
  6. The shit your throwing at theStones & The Quo you could aim at AC/DC or Rush
  7. Tracks post zeppelin that didn’t appear on "66 to Timbuktu" album appeared on the “ nine lives “ reissues , maybe they should reissue and expand "66 to Timbuktu" to include the solo tracks that didn’t appear from the first three singles, steal away , the rest of the unused Band Of Joy tracks & the pre-Zep solo demos recorded to send to record labels
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