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Everything posted by greengrass

  1. Wow , goodtimes. Definitely 1 of my favorite bands . "Van Halen was the kick in the ass rock and roll needed ", i agree , the 70s rock scene was stagnating to the point of ugh. Id like to hear some of their cover tunes from back then. lol Hey lookie what i found, I guess... seek and you shall find.
  2. Im curious , did anyone here see them before they made it to the bigtime? Pasadena / Santa Barbara / Sunset Strip ? I didnt , but i did see 'em on their 1st tour and i was hooked from that point on.
  3. No More Mr Nice Guy - Alice Cooper
  4. This lady got the moves lol
  5. For sure , hopefully i can get some good pictures too.
  6. I dont usually plan ahead for something like this , but this time im not going to be left with just hearing how great a show it was. Too bad they're not playing close to ya.
  7. The only thing is the wait , but the good thing is if it sells out ( which it will) i got mine lol Have ya checked the tours dates to see if JBLZE gonna be in your neck of the woods?
  8. Well ive got 2 tickets for Jason Bonham Led Zeppelin Experience on June 5th .
  9. the one taking the photo's the smartest .
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