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Everything posted by greengrass

  1. Why Do You Bother - Faith No More
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CACQmiaU6CU
  3. I was just feeding your rhetorical question with a rhetorical response Scarlet. Im not here to debate ca-ca with you or anyone else. You like what you like , i'll like what like. K Im just here for the music and bad Sabbath covers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoSMBAaCA7U
  4. This ones an oldie... still makes me chuckle tho
  5. "Why would you listen to Faith No More imitate Black Sabbath when you could just listen to Black Sabbath?" Uh... because i like Faith No More and as for your opinion of metal , ask me if i care. Ya might stay away from Tribute to Black Sabbath: Eternal Masters and Nativity in Black , it'll probably further ruffle your feathers. Btw , isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Oh looky more metal bands imitating Black Sabbath.
  6. An explorer in the Amazon suddenly found himself surrounded by a bloodthirsty group of natives. Upon surveying the situation, he said quietly to himself "Oh God, I'm screwed". A ray of light fell from the sky, and a voice boomed out "No, you are not screwed. Pick up that stone at your feet and bash the head of the chief standing in front of you". So the explorer picked up the stone and proceeded to bash the life out of the chief. He stood above the lifeless body, breathing heavily, surrounded by 100 natives with looks of shock on their faces. The voice boomed out again "Okay, now you're screwed".
  7. Kick start my heart - Motley Crue
  8. I agree with ScarletMacaw "To be honest I really love the first four albums, and haven't been so crazy about the more recent stuff..." And to be a tad more honest , I thought they sucked after Vol.4 They werent the same band after Vol4. I dunno , but i do like Heaven and Hell though , that was a hell of an album Im kinda glad Ozzy left BS cause most of the solo Ozzy stuff was spot on .
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