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Posts posted by Brigante

  1. It's a good point: if you pay for insurance (car, house), you don't refuse on principle to make a claim on it when you need to - you put the claim in and they pay out, right?
    Dunno how it works in the US, but the UK's National Insurance is the same thing - you pay it out of your wages, so you're covered if you need it in future.
    If you've paid into an insurance scheme it doesn't make you a skiver if you make a claim on your insurance  - and you don't view any payout as a 'benefit' , do you?
    You're getting what you paid for. Same with NI. As for working for your dole money: bullshit - if you make a claim on your car insurance, you don't have to clean the insurance company's toilets for six months as a condition of being paid out, do you? Same thing. And just as the payout on house or car insurance isn't limited to the amount you've paid into the scheme, neither is NI. Once you're in the scheme, you're fully covered. Or should be. We all know what a set of welching bastds insurance companies are, though! Anyway, things people do that rub me up the wrong way? They exist...😉

  2. Surely Jimmy doesn't need to flog anything to raise income for owt, though - he's got more than enough rolling in to cover anything he'll ever need, no? 
    Stuff like this makes me glad I don't have the Collector Gene - it must drive collectors mental knowing that stuff like this is out there but it's out of their grasp.   
    People should do what they want with their own money but, frankly, anyone who'll spend 1600 quid on a photo deserves to spend 1600 quid on a photo...

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