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Posts posted by Brigante

  1. Blackmore must've been outvoted 4-1 when it came to putting When A Blind Man Cries on Machine Head - but it still didn't get on!
    That tells you something about how Deep Purple worked at that time, eh?
    Quite a contrast with Stormbringer, where he apparently accepted a lot of stuff he didn't like. 
    It's odd, because in August 1974, Blackmore still had enough of a grip on Purple to basically veto Glenn Hughes singing backing vocals on Bowie's Young Americans album, yet literally only a handful of weeks later he was acquiescing to stuff like Can't Do It Right, even though he apparently hated it. Strange.  

  2. 11 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Brilliant version, yes;  great video montage too, even though the song wasn't played at the Cal Jam.  In general all the songs from the Euro '75 tour that were released since the late 90's (Archive Alive, Graz, Paris, etc.) are far superior (in performance and sound quality) to Made In Europe, it's almost like DP's management picked the worst versions for release after the band broke up in '76.  Maybe they were giving a middle finger on the way out.

    It does make you wonder, John! Otherwise you'd expect something as good as this would be a no-brainer for release - it's really, really good, it adds something that the studio version didn't have, there's all that great Blackmore guitar, etc...yet it sits in the vaults for decades? Bizarre. Agreed about the way the California Jam footage has been synched up to the audio, too - whoever did that really knew what they were doing. Great stuff.       

  3. Filthy rich Aston Martin owner rings tv doctor to ask if he can wash his car.
    Viewer says tv doctor's response has 'shafted my day'.
    How the enemies of the West must tremble, with lions such as these at the gate... 

  4. Indeed. In 1980, Zeppelin were just back up and running, they'd done a European tour, Robert had agreed to a US tour and they were rehearsing for that tour - yet somehow people take all that and conclude that Robert was going to leave?! Or that Bonham was going to quit due to Jimmy not being permanently on point? Or that Jimmy was going to call a three-year hiatus? None of those conclusions follow from anything that'd actually happened. You build a hypothesis from the available evidence - or you're just spouting bullshit. It's not the same thing. Tell you what, there's this thing called 'critical thinking', see, and...oh, never mind... 😕

  5. Some of you lot have some really, really weird suppositions going on.
    So weird, I honestly don't know how you've reached those conclusions from the evidence in front of you.
    If I'm ever up in court and there's clear-cut evidence of my innocence, I hope you're not on the jury, lads - I'll go down for sure! 

  6. Appalling. Sun's out. A few white clouds. Mild.
    Why's that appalling? One, because I hate sunny weather and two, because last night the Met. Office got my hopes up by saying it was going to be cloudy, cold and raining.
    Lying pricks.

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