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Everything posted by LedZeppfan1977

  1. This is going to be worse than the ass whipping Germany put on Argentina, 6-0. But of course Panama is not exactly a tough opponent. This is going to be a real confidence builder for England. Especially with Belgium on deck. I will be surprised if they dont make some substitutions. I want to see Jamie Vardy in.
  2. Love it. 4-0. Just what it should be. Now its time to put my boy Vardy in. OMG. PK coming now. Might be 5-0 in a minute!!! Ass whipping
  3. To my surprise it seems England has more players on its squad from Tottenham than any other premier league team! Its 1-0 with a PK coming
  4. Missed PK by Iceland. Unreal
  5. Fucking green haired Nigerian's can run like a deer but they suck in the offensive zone. Iceland seems to control the ball better on the attack. But this game could go either way on a break. I like Iceland's chances based on what I have seen. But they had two or three great chances and missed. They seem more aggressive at taking the ball over at midfield. I hope they pull this off and I really hope the Swiss win later but that will not be easy I believe a couple of these groups at least will be decided on goal differential. Not sure if that is the first tie breaker or if head to head is? Oh man, the bloody Nigerians just hammered one in. Fuck
  6. Must correct myself. So if England comes out to the second round, they would play one of the top two teams in group H. A real gift. That means they dodge Brazil in round two. And Brazil might be gone by round 3? I am picking Iceland like many but Nigeria seem to be the favorites here? Not sure why? Maybe more speed? One of these African nations is going to jump up and bite me. To me the biggest shock so far in Vegas is how can Mexico only be favored by 1/2 a goal vs S Korea? I see this as blowout potential. Mexico is not going to blow their chance after beating Germany. I believed in Mexico from day 1. I think they are the true dark horse in this and could win it all.
  7. How would you figure that this would happen? 0-0 vs Costa Rica? This is why Americans hate this sport. Never enough scoring. When a team puts all of their men back and are playing "not to lose" and simply try to stop the more talented team from scoring it winds up being a boring type of game. Usually no scoring and the team that wants to stop the better team in effect wins. A team like Spain would break down this Costa Rica crap game and the Iranian bullshit much easier than Brazil. This is not like the Brazil teams of past. What a joke of a game. Finally Brazil scores. Can you believe they score in stoppage time? As I am typing? Unreal.Well this might save Brazil's WC for now. But England should look at this with much hope. If they wind up playing them in the second round OMG I got a bloody push out of this mess. 2-0
  8. I bet on Croatia yesterday and Australia so I got a win there. Aussies were plus 1/2. I am going to hammer Mexico and Senegal. Have Brazil, Iceland and the Swiss today but also took a tie on that game. Swiss vs Serbia is a tough call. Serbia is no pushover, but the Swiss should be a tad better. I am not sure Germany are a pure cinch though I would expect them to bounce back. Things have never set up so well for England. But they might have to beat Brazil in the second round assuming they don't mess things up. Should beat the daylights out of Panama. Brazil do not look so good early on. I would be shocked if they do not win this game by at least 2
  9. I saw a penalty shot in one of the games on the ball hitting the guys arm. Think Columbia and Japan? Bullshit. Red card, penalty shot, killed in the first 3 minutes
  10. I think Egypt are out now? But a Uruguay win likely seals that. I expect Spain to smoke Iran. Take that ya bloody bomb making fucks
  11. England did not play that well but they got a win and need to be better. Columbia got screwed today big time. I mean, a red card, and a penalty shot given to Japan on the same play like 3 minutes into the game. I would have won $150 if Columbia had won. I got it planted in my ass. Strider, I know Guinness is Irish. The store was out of Boddington. I like Guinness. So back to Columbia, they had to then play the whole match with 10 men. Unreal. That division is up for grabs. And Group C with France, Denmark and Australia and Peru to me is the toughest one to call. I think Peru is going to give France fits with their speed. And I believe I escaped that game vs Peru with Denmark and now Denmark must play with 3 yellow cards. One mistake and they are going to be playing with 10 men. So I think I like the Aussies to win or tie this game. Argentina might have their hands full with Croatia too. Another tough group to call. As is that Columbia division. I still think Columbia can win it. Japan is lucky they got that call. I would expect Japan to get smoked the next two. Dont know why Morroco is getting any respect vs Portugal coming up. Portugal is minus 1 goal. To me they should be minus 2. England and Belgium should both go through but England must play far better if they expect to beat Belgium. I am wondering why Vardy is not in the lineup seriously. The guy can score. If Rooney could play 4 years ago Vardy can certainly help this team now. Spain should murder Iran tomorrow. We shall see. When the first round is over and the teams that move on are set, I will try and get the points added. I know one score already. Strider 0. LOL
  12. Bunch of shit dicks. I turned it off after that shit call on the PK. How can that be allowed to stand? The guy did NOTHING. He lifted his arms in the air and incidental contact to the face of the guy. The ball was no where near the offensive player. He never had a chance to score. And they give those shit dicks a free goal? What kind of shit is this? Shoved $100 up my ass. Now I need Columbia -1 to win like $150. A 3 teamer and 4 teamer. All the rest winners. Also have Columbia with a couple other teams and Spain can cash me out also. On a smaller one. England screwed, blued and tattoed me. What a fucking shitty performance. And why wasn't Vardy there? The guy can score. He does not miss like the rest of them. He was on team England two weeks ago
  13. What a crock of shit giving Tunisia a pK ( free goal) on that play. Its stupid
  14. All this love for Iceland. I thought that was the Australia flag for a minute. I may take a light shot on Australia to beat Denmark because of the 3 yellow cards Denmark has in their pockets.
  15. England scores!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll crack another Guinness!!! I thought Jamie Vardy was on the damn England squad?
  16. But this is FREE. No money involved. You could have been a sport and just taken a shot. Oh well. I had a great day. I got out with a push on Iceland as I took a shot at over plus 800 odds because I know Argentina are the most over rated team in this tourny and will get beat, and I had Denmark, and Croatia. I stayed clear of the France game. I now have 3 shots to cash in. I need the Mexico/Germany game over 2.5 goals, a wager I love, England and or Belgium. i like my chances. I will admit I was lucky on Denmark. Peru has far more speed. The goalies for Iceland and Denmark were spectacular today. Did anyone see that PK save by the Iceland goalie? Unreal. Argentina looked sluggish at best and Peru, in defeat looked very good. The game between Russia and Egypt is going to be huge. Egypt need this game badly. They took Uruguay to the last minute. I really would like to see Egypt sneak in. They likely must beat Russia. Then Russia plays Uruguay and Russia can still be fine with a win there. I just have no true idea how good they really are. When they play the "big boys" outside of this division we will find out. A very intriguing game tomorrow morning between Mexico and Germany. I would not be surprised to see one of them go up by 2 and lose. Or draw. This has the potential of a shootout. If its 0-0 I will look stupid but I just cannot imagine that. They are both offensive teams. Brazil and Switzerland will be a good one too. Switzerland is a good team. I believe better than the defensive minded team of 4 years ago. I cannot believe they are still making comparisons between Messi and Rolando. No comparison. Rolando is way better now. Messi has slowed down and is not even close to the guy Rolando is. Spain has to be sick for blowing that game. There have been some bad penalties and I mean stupid ones. Denmark even though they won a huge game, now have 3 guys with yellow cards. They will be walking on eggshells vs Australia who put up a fight vs France and that might give them an edge vs Denmark? But its a tough one to call. Just as France and Peru might be. Peru has a ton of speed. Good start to the tournament. I am not going to say anything more Sean but I am disappointed not only in you but a few others as well. So go ahead. Its open season on me. Strider waving the Iceland flag? 😟 I hope you are ok pal? LOL. Just when you thought you have seen it all. Well, anyway, what a save! On a PK. My head just went down. I am yelling at the TV and saying to my wife, "look at this dumb ass who just gave the game away"!!! PK's are NEVER STOPPED. And bang!!!!!!!!!! And I am also really looking forward to Mexico and Germany. Go Me hee co!!!!!! I would not sell Mexico short. I have some Guinness Stout for the England game on Monday
  17. I thought those damn mummies were going to hang on-Egypt
  18. So you have the energy to make these dull posts but are rebelling against the contest we created? I do not get you Sean. Buts its your choice. I am disappointed. Rick As for the recent picks, two vote for France! I am a little surprised. And I thought Spain would get some support. i fear them. Uruguay is getting a ton of respect on ESPN. I did not see that coming. I have Egypt upsetting them. Likely a huge error. You French fans can tune in for their first game 6 AM EST and 3 AM PST. LOL So you have an excuse to pop the corks early. I have bought some Guiness Stout, small bottles to mix with Belgian white. Let’s all be up at am and singing “King Tut!”
  19. I recorded and watched the concert at Hyde Park in 2013 and I was very impressed at how good they were. At this age. Jagger looked half his age. Richard actually played very well. I had to look very hard to find Mick Taylor, as he was announced to make a special appearance. But he did nothing to the magnitude of "Get Yer Ya Ya's Out" , my favorite Stones album of all time. Live album of course. Sticky Fingers is right up there and Some Girls, the album that put Ron Wood on the map.
  20. So in 2026 the games will be in all 3 of the North American countries? Strange. So where will the championship be? I assume in NY or LA? But Mexico City could be considered too I guess?
  21. Well you might as well play the contest Sean. Why not? Its on another thread I created and we have 4 participants now. Come on. Take a shot. Pick two teams to come out of each group and a champion. After round one we pick again
  22. JTM, please go back to your picks and pick a champion under your picks.



  23. http://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/23402874/world-cup-rank-espn-fc#!angeldimaria Some player rankings Dont forget to pick a champion under your round 1 picks folks. Come on and get in. That means you Strider and EBK and Paul and many others. JTM, please go back and pick a champion under your round 1 picks!. Oh, and Chilumpuffer. Get in on this
  24. Hey JTM, you know I was going to go with Iceland and Croatia just like you did. I just did not have the guts to eliminate Argentina in the first round. But I did make a parlay bet and took Iceland against them straight up at odds of +800. I can see it happening. We agree on all the rest. I can also see an upset with Mexico and Germany. Oops. Must correct myself. I see you took Sweden to make it out with Germany. I have Mexico. I do not believe Sweden can beat Mexico. We shall see
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