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tom kid

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Posts posted by tom kid

  1. Much as we all might like to further examine the intellectual horsepower required to initiate and maintain a Led Zeppelin on You Tube thread (or the equally popular Song Name Game Thread) I'm going to suggest one last time everyone interested stay on the topic of this thread: Clapton is God: The Eric Clapton Thread before it gets uglier in here.

    Post of the thread Steve! Here is something a lot of you may not have heard:



  2. Led Zeppelin or Related on YouTube?. 40,517 views and 1,154 replies in just over 24 months. I do not see any topics that you have started that even come close to that. If you consider me so ignorant, how come my topic still receives so many views and posts? I started that topic so that many other Led Zeppelin fans could have a place to see, hear and enjoy the Music of, of course, Led Zeppelin or Related.

    Your ignorance has nothing to do with the fact that a thread you made has 40,000 views. I'm not sure how you've linked the two together?

    Also, did you not see my post above about this being the other bands/music subforum? This part of the site is specifically intended for threads such as this. It's your problem if you don't want to widen your palette and just stick to Zeppelin. But don't come in here spouting your garbage about how Clapton hasn't been influential, it simply isn't up for debate.

  3. First of all, I think that by making the title of this topic: "Clapton is God" first and not "the Eric Clapton Thread" was sure to bring up or start some controversy. If I started a topic about Eric Clapton I would never put "Clapton is God" as the title under a topic on this "official" Led Zeppelin website. That is just how I perceive things. Maybe I am wrong, however, I could be right.

    Second of all, that idiot jahfin could never name a hundred guitar players that have been influenced or emulate the guitar style of Eric Clapton. You know why? Because there is no where near 100 guitar players that would cite Mr. Clapton as a heavy influence. Alive or Dead.

    This is the OTHER Bands/Music subforum. We don't have to talk about Led Zeppelin on this site all of the time.

  4. In the words of John McEnroe, "You CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!"

    First of all, you've NEVER heard of Derek Trucks? That disqualifies you from the discussion immediately. Anybody with a modicum of interest in blues-rock guitar knows who Derek Trucks is.

    Second, Jimi Hendrix had more acolytes than SRV...Robin Trower, Frank Marino, Ted Nugent, Mick Ronson, Hilel Slovack, John Frusciante for starters.

    Lastly, if you're too ignorant to know the history behind the "Clapton is God" phrase, then once again, that disqualifies you from being able to objectively discuss Clapton. I don't need to list 100 players...just one will suffice: Jimmy Page.

    Yep, it was Clapton himself that inspired Jimmy (and hundreds more) to switch to the Les Paul/Marshall combination. Here's another name...Eddie Van Halen.

    And I'm not even a Clapton fan. But your ignorance is alarming.

    Just check out most of his posts, hes living in his own fairy dreamland.

  5. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading these stories strider, they paint a vivid picture in my head of what it must have been like to be at a Zeppelin concert, being only 20 years of age myself (21 in a week!) I of course, never had the opportunity to see my favourite band in the flesh.

    I hope you're going to do a write up on the 21/6/77 show! :D

    Thanks a lot for the stories, and like others have said you should write a book.

  6. Yep, it's amazing the amount of music we miss out on. I imagine there's some people out there that still haven't heard the Allman's Live at Fillmore East, or even worse, Little Feat's Waiting For Columbus, definitely one of my all time favorite live records.

    I agree with you about Waiting For Columbus! Have you heard the deluxe edition?

  7. Cool!!! I am an easy going Bloke. Like I said I do Love a good debate. Again, I realize I was wrong and thought you were an Aussie. My mistake. Can I ask You a very personal question? Do you consider Yourself to a friend of the United States? Just curious. I have never been to Wellington or Auckland, but I think You would enjoy Dallas, Texas and any other American city you could possibly visit.

    I want to visit the US one day for sure, the only problem is the lack of funds. I would love to visit New York, LA, Boston, San Francisco etc. That's actually a very hard question to answer. I wouldn't say that I agree with a lot of things that US governments have done, however I do enjoy a lot of American music, movies etc. What I don't tend to like about are things like the gun laws, in my opinion they are hugely archaic and need to be done away with. But thats a topic for a whole new thread...

  8. I live in Dallas, Texas but once lived in New Jersy over 25 years ago. I would have loved to have been in NYC on Sunday/Monday, May 1st, 2011. What is wrong with pure elation in celebrating the killing of the World's worst terrorist? Just as many "other" peoples were rejoicing in the mayhem and in the destruction on 9/11/2001, I would (and AM) rejoicing in the same way as "they" did. However, one terrorists death will never make up for the killing of almost 3,000 innocent civilians.

    I find that quite ironic considering you seem to have no problem with the amount of civilian deaths the US military has incurred in Iraq and Afghanistan, which I keep mentioning but you don't seem to acknowledge?

  9. Hey! I will and proudly admit where I am wrong or might be wrong. For some strange reason I thought that your location was somewhere in Australia. I fully realize that New Zealand and Australia are two different countries. Am I wrong again or are both Countries geographically and (somewhat) historically linked together? I know I could easily search this on google, however, I try to rely on my somewhat intellectual stimuli (sometimes hard to do when I consume at least an 18 pack of American-brewed Budweiser beer).

    Australia is only a 2 hour or so flight from NZ, a bit longer depending on which part you're flying too. Yes, the two countries are historically linked (check out the history of the ANZAC if you're interested, it's a good example of the link between Australia and NZ).

  10. I love a good debate. First off, when did I, lzzoso, say that Iraq had WMD's. I did not.

    Second, I am very proud and grateful that my Country, the United States of America, has weapons of mass destruction and weapons of single destruction. All it took was a few American made bullets to kill the most hunted and wanted man ever in the history of the planet Earth. Shot in the head by a Brave and Dedicated American Special Forces soldier.

    I see that you are an Australian. If I know this then you should obviously know that Australia is a Great and Important Ally of the United States. How would you feel if Osama bin Laden's Al-Queda network flew planes into the tallest buildings in Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Newcastle and killed thousands of innocent Australian citizens? What if those planes killed Crocodile Dundee (Paul Hogan) or decimated the Foster's brewery? Would that change your way of thinking?

    Lastly, I am a very avid reader and student of American History. The only reason why the U.S.A. dropped two "atomic" bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan was because Harry S. Truman felt it was the best way to end the war with Japan and save over 1,000,000 American lives. That was the estimate at the time of the casualty rate if the United States was to mount an invasion of Japan. 2 bombs dropped to save over 1 million American lives makes sense to me and many millions of Americans (Australians). Remember, just like Al-Queda, Japan brought "their" wars to American soil and America responded as America does best. Need I remind anyone of what that is?

    Where did you get that I was from Australia? I'm pretty sure my location quite clearly says that I am from Auckland, NEW ZEALAND. Argh, really annoys me when people seem to think New Zealand is some how a part of Australia. Still, we have troops in the two conflicts I mentioned earlier. That isn't to say that I agree with those troops being there, but I'm not running the show so what can I do about it? You're right, it would change my way of thinking. I would be angry towards the people who did it, not the hundreds of thousands Iraqi and Afgani civilians who have died as a result of the conflict lead by the US and the UK.

    I don't really think that the US would have suffered casualties of 1 million if they had invaded mainland Japan. Japan was totally and utterly destroyed militarily by June of 1945, there was almost nothing left of the navy and the air force was completely destroyed. Take some time and read this link: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v16/v16n3p-4_Weber.html

    It's from an academic journal before you dismiss it.

    I myself too enjoy a good debate. Hope this has caused no bad blood between us. :)

  11. This image is quite apt I think:


    As I said earlier, the killing of Osama is a symbolic victory and nothing else. if you really believe lzzoso that Iraq had Weapons of mass destruction (which by the way, your country has the most by far out of anyone and is the only country to have used atomic weapons in war) I don't really know what to say...

    Three thousand people died in the 9/11 attacks, and my sympathies go out to those victims who lost their lives and the families who have to deal with such a massive tragedy. But is the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's and Afgani's really justified by this? Iraq had no link to the 9/11 bombings at all, yet terrorism was used as the excuse to invade.

  12. I'm inclined to agree with cookieshoes. The evidence is in the songs themselves, just listen to the music/lyrics. There are numerous examples: Trampled Underfoot, When The Levee Breaks, Black Mountainside, Dazed and Confused, In My Time of Dying, Nobody's Fault But Mine...

    Albeit, in all the songs aforementioned that are old bues tracks the music is different but the lyrics remain the same as the original blues songs. To say that Page didn't know he was lifting lyrics and music from songs he had heard or seen others play is laughable.

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