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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 7 hours ago, Strider said:

    The NFL draft combines have begun. The draft is next month. Will Chicago trade their #1 pick or blow it on another quarterback bust? Is Caleb Williams really "the guy"?

    So yes, Rick...it's time for a new thread for the upcoming NFL season.

    And, confirming that the Denver trade for Russell Wilson is the worst trade in history, the Broncos cut Wilson and will eat a massive cap shit sandwich.


    this is why I was surprised Peyton took this job, huge cap hits and traded away so many picks,  but he  does know how to turn a franchise around, only if another Drew Brees was around lurking somewhere 😃

  2. On 3/3/2024 at 4:32 AM, redrum said:

    A 6 day, 1600 mile trip from the bay area through Nevada to the Bonneville Salt Flats, then down to Death Valley, spent the night in Lone Pine, then back north through Yosemite and back to the bay area. Also rode from the bay area to my sister's place in Sumner, WA. It was fun while it lasted. 😊

    had a 98 lo rider for 20 years and would take my wife or one of my kids to ride back roads, get some ice cream etc... 3 hours tops then my ass would start hurting lol, Redrum is truly a monster of the 2 wheels 👍

  3. 16 hours ago, SuperDave said:

    Actually JP did play the ending solo on "Layla" once the piano comes in. But, not the studio version but on the ARMS concerts mini-tour with Clapton and Beck. Glad I got to see this in person. First time I ever saw JP live.

    MSG last show for me, fantastic  4 part show with Clapton then Beck followed by Page then ending  with everyone on stage playing for another 30 minutes or so

  4. 23 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    I'm wondering if their is anyone in this forum who thinks the fraud charges and verdict against Trump in NY are either legal or fair??

    He has 30 days to pay, who does he pay the money to? New York? there were no actual damages to any one or any bank so who gets the money?

    If he has to pay the state of New York then you know its nothing but fraud against Trump and everyone whether you hate Trump or not should be outraged at what they have done. If you're not and you think it's fair or just fine because he deserves it then you are part of the real problem in this country, the left and their do anything to ruin their opponents attitude. 

    most legal minds including Alan Dershowitz(democrat) think its total bullshit, the proof maybe if Trump leverages his Maralago estate which judge valued at some 18M  and others have valued at hundreds of millions and they have a bank or lending institution who use that as collateral, well that would in itself show this is a political witch hunt where there are no victims

  5. whenever life  has me a bit down I sometimes put on Imus white house correspondence dinner thrashing of  the Clintons, have never seen anything like  it since and remember thinking that Imus on national and syndicated radio says this stuff and then when confronted face to face he  even upped his game, dude had a big set of balls

  6. 28 minutes ago, Strider said:

    McDonald's. If the food doesn't kill you, our customers will.

    unbelievable! hard to believe they are beating the crap out of the  yellow haired person because he got the last happy meal?😂

  7. On 2/15/2024 at 2:01 PM, hummingbird69 said:

    biden is so laughable, telling reporters that bidenomics is working. He says gas prices have come down. Yeah, they did for a bit now they have gone back up 20 cents in the last 5 days. The lowest price I could find a week ago was 2:98, its now up to 3:10 and the highest is up to 3:25.  It will be four bucks a gallon by the summer.

    it was 2 when  trump left

  8. 19 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    New York announces it will take citizen surveillance and censorship to the next level

    New York announces it will take citizen surveillance and censorship to the next level – Standing for Freedom Center 

    she means it, this bitch absolutely will violate law abiding citizens and arrest or jail while violating their constitutional rights all the while protecting the illegal aliens  committing crimes, assaulting law enforcement, and assaulting  law abiding tax paying US citizens, just ask the parents of the students that were removed from school to accomadate illegals, remember when this city was the greatest in the world, now a total shit show

  9. follow up on special prosecutor's report on Biden and because he has mental issues we see no reason to prosecute him even though he willfully took possession of classified docs, broke law, etc.... 2 things going on here

    1- this is the way democrats remove his ass 

    2- if he isn't charged because of his mental issues than it stands to reason if and when congress lays out a litany of corruption involving  the Biden crime family and foreign countries  giving and paying millions in bribes to do harm to our country well then the answer or result will be the same, Biden has to many mental issues to pursue and jail so no charges will be filed and just thought of a third

    3- least likely but what if Biden and  doj hand picked special prosecutor  made up the whole sweet old man with memory and mental issues bull shit or Biden himself was crazy like a fox with his selective forgetful memory  all in an effort to  make criminal charges go away? personally believe #3 not possible because he is  nuts and losing it daily but   what if? these democrats are smart, stick together on everything and have proven time and time again will stop at nothing all the while pulling out all the stops on an all out blitz on Trump

  10. On 2/12/2024 at 1:25 AM, redrum said:

    Ugh! The blocked point. 😞

    blocked xtra pt.

    punt hits foot of an idiot 49er who apparently has no feeling in his foot to realize its a live ball and jump on it

    McCaffery fumbles away 7 points on opening drive

    any 1 of these doesn't happen  and 49ers win and Purdy is the man in 49er land

  11. we eat every super bowl at half time just so we don't watch any of the  music, we had home made meat ball subs, chicken fingers/ wings, and about 100 beers, started around 4pm but main course was meatball subs, nice to see refs didn't fuck the game up, 49ers made some mistakes and kc took advantage and earned it

  12. 2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    So once again there are no charges for democraps who either take classified documents or destroy them and the devices they had them on but you better make Trump pay for the PRESIDENTIAL documents had!  What a load of hogwash!!  I say to you again if you vote for biden then you are either stupid or just an asshole.

    totally expected and  with this Trump will raise more money and garner more support

  13. 7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Anyone else have the full realization the United States has become a Third World shit hole?

    As for these 1,200 squatters, they act so differently in tv commercials.

    Squatters take over 1,200 homes in Atlanta, terrorize neighbors (nypost.com)

    it's sickening to see how the progressives have progressively put the united states into the shitter,  we are a country of lawlessness, open borders, education system that the unions  have turned into a shit hole, are world rankings are a  joke, we spend the most per pupil (unions) but get least return on investment, criminals are victims and victims are criminals and  our elected piece of shit politicians do nothing for the people who elected them, still remember  from grade school  some 55 plus years ago " taxation without representation is simply tyranny" and if Biological weapons can be released like covid to fuck up all rules and sanity for an election not really sure how  we as a nation stand a chance in getting rid of these assholes from both parties if our votes aren't secure? I mean who the fuck would be against voter ID if it wasn't for corruption? hope they don't stop making beer cuz i need one 😪

  14. 18 hours ago, Strider said:

    People getting on Dan Campbell's case but why aren't people getting on John Harbaugh's case with the same fervor? As far as I am concerned, Harbaugh has blown it worse in the playoffs than Dan Campbell. It seems every time the Ravens get a #1 seed, they flame out in the first game.

    One major problem is their offense is like a college offense. That may fly during the regular season when teams are coming off short weeks and Baltimore is playing a bunch of mediocre teams. But come the playoffs and when Baltimore starts facing the good teams, other teams have an easy time reducing the Ravens offense to rubble and making Lamar one-dimensional.

    Harbaugh has been with the Ravens for 15 years and the offense is still a joke in the playoffs. So why isn't he on the hot seat?

    good question and same can be applied to Bills coach who  has found a way to lose  every which way you can for 5 years running and  cowboys joke of a coach, fact is revenue  is  more valued than winning to many of these ownwers and if  you get tv exposure  cuz your good with some  big marketable names like Dak and Allen and  Lamar well believe money is  really what its all about sadly and if you happen to win it all , well thats icing on the cake

  15. On 2/5/2024 at 12:01 AM, reids said:

    lol. 😂 Predictive programming 

    The fix is in: swifties Grammys & Super Bowel chiefies. After watching the Bills battle back and then at the 2 minute warning the Bills qb getting his marching orders to throw away the game the other week, I knew the fix was in.  The nfl wants to show Swift as much as possible to get new viewers (selling merch) while making Kelsie (vax spokesman) and Mahomes their latest poster children.


    in the pick em playoff pool i'm tied for first and  picked 49ers but with my heart not my head, I to believe  the NFL no doubt wants Chiefs to win and  quite simply 1 critical bad call at just the right time can win it, who will forgetbengals getting screwed last year against Chiefs and Eagles with a hit out of bounds on final play all the while  linemen were holding the entire play, result F.G. and game over, I personally feel the  bad and saving call is inevitable

  16. 2 hours ago, reids said:

    R.I.P. Toby Keith (country musician)



    saw Toby many times with my wife and children, a true american icon who did so much for our troops and our veterans, what an entertainer!

  17. 2 hours ago, Strider said:

    Haha. They'll find a way to move the goalposts and keep hating.

    Win or lose the Super Bowl, Brock Purdy has proven he belongs in the upper echelon of quarterbacks in the NFL. He already has more playoff wins than Lamar Jackson or Dak Prescott.

    that says it all when people question my total distrust of Dak and Jerry, for a guy who is a billionaire and  knows the bottom line I can't believe he kept fat ass as coach  and seems to love  mr. regular season, there has to be another reason for his very strange football decisions, is it money? if you have plenty well then how about winning a superbowl without J.J?

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