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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 22 hours ago, kipper said:

    If there are any Icelandic women who are displaced by the volcanic events in Iceland, I have plenty of room in my home for them to shelter for as long as they wish.

    that does it lol now i have to figure a way to  come up with a bad back,  get out of all day tour with the family and go sight seeing for beautiful  Icelandic women

  2. 2 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    I went to Iceland during the Covid years (one of only 3 European countries that allowed American tourists).  I agree with the above that a Southern Golden Circle tour is a must.  If you or your family are Game of Thrones fanes, you can do a GoT tour and visit filming sites there.  Also, don't forget a whale tour (puffins will be gone at that time)!  Finally, bring plenty of cash, EVERYTHING is expensive - especially eating out!  Bonus is the cheapest grocery store - stock up and eat in the room when you can. 

    thanks, will share  all these nice tips with family, have heard though cash is a no no, that they want credit cards only?

  3. 2 hours ago, SteveZ98 said:

    I don't live there, but I've visited a couple of times. I'd recommend a tour of the south shore area. It's just beautiful. Also, you can take a ride on Icelandic ponies. They're actually small horses, and a riding tour on them will get you into parts of the countryside you wouldn't otherwise see. Also, one of my favorite parts of each trip was the ride from the airport to Reykjavik. It passes through an area of volcanic rock, and with the jet lag and hazy morning light, it seems like you're on a different planet. 

    thanks, kids actually wanted to go  from airport  straight to hot springs lagoon which we nixed would much prefer  checking in hotel first before  jumping into bathing suits

  4. 23 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    I'm not sure how it happened, but I ended up watching the Lions vs St. Louis Cardinals from 1970 in Tiger Stadium on utube. It was the CBS game of the week with Verne Lundquist.   Jim Hart, Jackie Smith, Jim Bakken, and Macarthur Lane!  The field was in such bad shape that referee Pat Haggerty had to mark off penalties by strides because all the line markers were gone.  THEN they brought out the sticks and chains to measure.  No mikes on the refs so you never knew who the penalties were called on. I was cracking up.  Then I watched Lem Barney intercept two passes and then try to cover a guy by chasing him around the padded goal posts at the goal line.  Mel Farr Superstar got tackled by his own brother Miller Farr.  Two fumbles were caused by the ground.  No review, no disputes.  Jim Hart was sacked and piled on by 4 guys high and low and was crushed like an ant. He could barely walk back to the huddle.  Every one of them would be considered a late or illegal hit in today's game.  Two guys were wearing neck-rolls.  Remember those?  I was only 10 years old and was shocked at how many of these guys I remembered.  Quite an unexpected lesson as to how the game has evolved over the years. 


    It was a different game which is why I laugh when  people  claim Brady is greatest ever or Jefferson soon will be greater receiver ever etc... quarterbacks got smacked around as they should they are on the field after all, cornerbacks and safeties pounded receivers going over the middle and inside the 10 yd. line you would run it 3 times, compare then to now, a nice sack of qb. is now roughing the passer, touching the receiver is pass interference, smacking the helmet of offensive linemen like Deacon Jones is hands to the face, and  1st and goal at 1 yard line is play action for a td to get those fantasy points, lol, simply put tv, revenue, has changed sports period which makes comparisons of players  from different decades useless

  5. So going away to  Iceland 2nd week of December with wife and kids and in-laws, other than cold and little daylight does anyone on this forum live there and have some insights? kids have booked lagoon spa, snowmobile, northern lights, shit like that, wondering what else to do also hearing about volcanic eruptions?

  6. 21 hours ago, Walter said:

    I hope the NFL takes draft picks from the Bungholes after last night’s deceptive move. That was some bullshit! 


    or at very least Strider should consider giving you and I  maybe a tie seeing we went with Cincy expecting a healthy Burrow?😉

  7. 17 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Anybody else notice how there are no protests to stop Russia's war on Ukraine? I wonder why that is?? :Thinking:

    or no attempt whatsoever to order a cease fire or a fucking pause or conduct peace talks, no its keep funneling billions of dollars to them and the swamp has been to happy to keep smuggling the money over to Ukraine with no plan whatsoever, sort of reminds me of the  great show Ozarks

  8. so in other news the Bills did what Cowboys did last year after getting mauled by 49ers in playoffs, both teams decided to let go or fire their offensive  coach, apparently the coach is the reason the  respective quarterbacks throw to the team with a different colored jersey, in no way  is it ever the  quaterbacks fault, anyone remember  Terry Bradshaw getting benched in favor of  Jefferson street Joe Gillam or something like that? this was after  couple super bowl wins

  9. 4 hours ago, redrum said:

    Yes. Just trying to balance things out. 

    122 per month for internet with xfinity, they are coming out again today because well their  internet sucks but its my only option, fiber optics from frontier is close by hopefully i can switch soon, and agree it sucks moose cock

  10. Bills are up and down because Allen is up and down, feel good for Wilson, Peyton and Broncos after starting out so horrible now getting their shit together, takes time, Eagles have a brutal stetch coming up while Cowboys have it easy, seems like this is one of those years where no one stands out  as the team to beat

  11. 17 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

    And here I thought the Niners/Jags was the game to watch in the early window. You can put Jacksonville in the same boat as my Dolphins--they can feast on the dregs of the league, but when you put them in a "ready for primetime" situation against the elite teams, they fold....

    like my cowboys, they can beat anyone until it really counts

  12. 20 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

    Is it still too early for NBC to start trying to flex their Sunday Night schedule? So many mediocre matchups and this Jets/Raiders game may be the worst yet....<_<

    agreed! what is the over / under 10?

  13. 13 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    To mark Veteran's Day in America, the Biden Administration announced plans at Arlington National Cemetary for a Tomb of the Unknown Pronoun.

    funny! what is even  funnier was watching Biden looking dazed and confused and once again needing help and direction  as to what to do and where to go next after laying wreath on tomb, god help us all

  14. 23 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    I live in Mass and I can tell you right now, my state is not only full of lefties who love biden it has the worst drivers I have ever encountered in my life.  People driving below the speed limit, people cutting people off, people speeding down quiet roads while kids are playing and my next door neighbor who has a glasspack on his car,  its so loud when he starts his car it sounds like a bomb going off right in my driveway. try taking that every morning at 5:30

    had a big job few years ago doing site work for  solar fields in Palmer MA, rock crushing, blasting, grading, topsoil etc... about  90 minutes from where  we live in ct. took 84 east got on rt.32 and followed people with mass. plates going 25-30 mph in 40-45 mph  speed limits, followed one guy into a dunkin and asked him if the speed limit was rt.32 the guys behind counter laughed hysterically

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