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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 17 hours ago, redrum said:

    On a different note.....Both my thumbs are crooked. My left thumb turns outward and my right thumb turns inward. My Mother's thumbs were both crooked and they both turned outwards. Didn't bother her bowling though, as she was in a bunch of leagues and averaged 160. She used to take me bowling as a kid to Park Bowl on Haight Street and they had small balls for kids then. 😄


  2. 6 hours ago, Strider said:

    Yes. It's the biggest problem I have with the Democrats. How they have allowed illegal immigration become an albatross around their neck. The mainstream moderate Democrats should have never allowed the far left fringe to push this issue and ignore the laws already in place. They should have held firm and said immigrants have to accept and follow the laws and enter this country legally. Previous generations had to wait. Nobody gets to cut the line. You come in illegally....back you go.

    The majority of blue-collar middle America is "law and order". Once you lose them it's hard to get them back.


  3. guys can't comment on the games because I didn't watch,  got phone call almost mid nite saturday my youngest brother died unexpectedly of heart attack at age 58! there are 4 of us 2 years apart, all brothers and all business partners in heavy construction up until 2019 when we sold all our machinery, so yesterday we bought bunch of food and stayed  with them all day, no warning , so devastating, and no sleep again last night, married 39 years, two kids and 3 grandchildren, this shit kind of puts football in perspective, doesn't it? when I get my head out of my ass I'll make my final pick

  4. On 1/27/2024 at 1:44 PM, Strider said:

    The pro-Palestinian rallies are alarming. Fortunately, I haven't seen too many where I live. I still think it is just a very loud and vocal minority. The majority of citizens and people in government still back Israel. 

    Also, when I talk to many of the Middle Eastern immigrants that I come across in my daily travels in shops and restaurants and businesses, most of them express that the very reason many of them came to America was to escape such tribal feudal bullshit. And many of these people trying to come into America now are also trying to escape extreme poverty and violence in their countries.

    Now, is the influx too large? Are there some bad apples in the bunch? Your answer probably depends on your perspective. I think most reasonable people would say yes. But the idea that these people are being let in just so they can vote Democrat might make an amusing talking point on some right ring podcast or talk show but it is kind of far-fetched when you look at the what happens with a lot of immigrants.

    A sizeable percentage of immigrants, both legal and illegal, tend to become conservative, at least on the issue of immigration, once they have settled in the United States. Because they realize more and more illegals flooding the border steals a bigger piece of their American Pie dream. I have heard from many Mexicans, Hispanics, Latinos switching their votes from Democrat to Republican because of this very issue.

    Take another look at the people coming into the country. Whether they are coming from the Muslim countries in the Middle East or the heavily Catholic countries to our south, I would wager a high percentage of them are devoutly religious in some manner. The right likes to portray the Democratic Party as anti-religion, so why would anyone think that these religious people would just automatically vote Democrat?

    Plus, the idea that there are large numbers of illegals voting doesn't hold water anyway. Most illegals would be afraid of being nabbed by INS if they went to vote.

    The whole beauty of the United States was that people could come here, escaping whatever persecution or horrors of their home country, and through hard work and perseverance, assimilate into the American Dream. They might bring some of their old ways and beliefs with them, but by and large, they sublimated into the American way of life. Many Immigrant communities by the third or fourth generations became wholly American. That's why you see so many minorities and immigrants at ballgames. And they certainly do not want the U.S. to become more like the countries they escaped from.

    I happen to believe that is what most of the people coming here want...a chance at a normal life. To work, have a family, etc. So, no, I do not think we are in danger of being co-opted or as you put it, "unionized" by some foreign country, whether it's the Middle East or the Far East or Russia.

    I think this country is a little bit stronger than its critics, both on the right and the left, give it credit for.



    very well put and thought out, agree with many of your points just want closed borders and legal applicants to come in and get processed and hopefully live the american dream, hell when  my family came from Italy they went to NY, had to be sponsored and fill out every year who lived at residence and what was each persons job, boy 115 years later that has transformed to let anyone in, no background checks etc... its a mess, heck were a land of opportunity and laws, come legally, pledge your allegiance to our beautiful country and  we as a nation will welcome every single one regardless of religion, skin color, etc.... It begs the question why are  the gov't. fighting for open borders and fighting with texas from stopping them to stop or slow the illegal crossings?

  5. 17 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

    Unless there's another pandemic or some other national emergency, Biden's basement strategy he used in 2020 won't work this time and he'll have to get out and actually campaign.  Is he up to it at 81?  We shall see..


    dude needs to be in a assisted living facility

  6. 11 hours ago, Strider said:

    Trump and Biden are the two most unpopular leaders in American history. The fact that four years later all we can come up with is Biden vs. Trump redux suggests that maybe it's time to vote the U.S. return to the United Kingdom and become part of the commonwealth again. Nobody wins with these two bozos.

    Iknow this is tongue and cheek Strider about becoming England again but what worries me some is with the influx of middle easterners into our open borders we may very well become part of or unionized into those terror countries, especially if the status quo is elected and given another 4 years, my point is we may not have to join another country because other countries are already here and i'm afraid here in masses as evidenced by the  pro palestinian and Hammas support  and demonstrations all around our country and globe, just looking at Harvard, their leaders and what is going on in college campuses should raise the alarms, can't help but believe the border policies which are purposely intended to bring voter roles and albeit harm to all of us will lead to a major terror strike the only question is where and when, greed and power is whats driving the new world order and is  what the framers of our constitution warned us about, wouldn't it be great if both democrats and republicans simply followed this wonderful constitution? long winded  I know and apologize but hell there's no football today lol

  7. 11 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    I guess anything can happen, he has a lot of young voters on his side which is good for him. He did not do so well as hoped in the New Hampshire primary and I think that is not good for him, I think he has lost too many supporters.

    i'm in new england he actually kicked ass, 40 % of new hampshire is independents and allowed to vote and 30 % are democrats who are allowed to switch right up to primary day in an effort to take away from Trump yet he still won handily, the swamp is doing everything in their power between bogus criminal charges to voter shenanigans and its not working, wait until South Carolina , Haleys home state and after getting pounded if she still stays in

  8. On 1/25/2024 at 7:57 AM, Stryder1978 said:

    .....they win the lottery, while the January 6th rioters get prison time.  I guess there really is two justice systems in the U.S.!

    so how does this work? they commit crimes and take over and burn the city down all while hiding behind  full face masks so how  the hell does  one know who the rioters are to receive the reward for being lawless? In the  good old days   when FBI was trusted along with DOJ i could envision this as a set up, promise all who come at such and such a date to receive their equitable split and when the thousands arrive, arrest them all and throw them in jail, but know we can't trust FBI or DOJ to protect law abiding, tax paying citizens instead reward militants

  9. 2 hours ago, Strider said:

    And beat him they did! Thank you for your support that day. 

    Wait a minute. You had a hated Redskin sign a hallowed Cowboy shirt? I'm not sure how Cowboy Nation will feel about that. Seems sacrilegious.

    he told me Staubach was a hero of mine  to, all his people were amazed at the size of my balls when i walked in with #12 but as he said he would he  put shirt on my back with me holding it and signed Joe Theisman #7 go Redskins, and Strider  so far as cowboy nation goes, many still love and believe in Jerry and Dak  and I don't 😉

  10. On 1/22/2024 at 11:36 PM, slave to zep said:

    So true

    the  crooks are making a more deadly variant as reported on many news sites, even in Boston where my daughter and son in law now live, what the hell is wrong with this world that this crap is going on?

  11. 11 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Local wallmart locked up the socks and under ware!  I had to look around for an employee and when I found one she couldn't speak a word of English, so we had to find another employee who could speak both and then after she opened the case she literally had to walk me to the checkout like I was gonna run out without paying.

    Thank you Brandon for the shitty world you've created.

    victims are the crooks and crooks are the victims, can't be happy with this non sense no matter what political party you support

  12. 22 hours ago, Walter said:

    I remember watching that game at my dad’s place. I so badly wanted Oakland to beat Joe Theisman. 

    all cowboy fans wanted to beat Theisman lol, was invited  last may to westport ct. golf club where boyscouts of america were honoring a friend of mine  so my wife and i got dressed up and drove the hour, went to bar walked around and saw guest speaker, Joe Theisman, introduced my self , told him  how much I hated him and the hated Redskins but respected the hell out of them, we talked for 5 minutes alone, told him i had my Staubach shirt in the car , he told me go get it and i'll sign, i did and he signed it  with all the camera people there, if i ever can figure out how to  submit pictures someday i will lol, great guy

  13. On 1/22/2024 at 9:30 AM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    They would not even be in playoffs without Allen.  The fault is with all the injured defensive players.  I knew we were in trouble when Milano went down in London.  I said, there goes the Super Bowl.  Without Milano and Bernard at linebacker they had no chance.  KC had nobody over the middle to worry about. And then throw in Trey White, another one lost for the season.  They lost 5 staters on defense.  Too much to overcome. I hope the Lions win but Im not sure they have enough defense either?

    i actually loved the way bills/Allen were playing, he was making short swing and over middle passes and running effectively, bills were pounding ball then chiefs adjusted and stacked defensive line and OC didn't make adjustments

  14. 9 hours ago, SteveAJones said:


    so true in todays sports world, look at Brian Flores of Miami, he says he was fired not because of his won lost record but because he's black then his replacement has immediate success, get ready for the black national anthem at super bowl, wonder how many people simply switch channels when they show this crap, i know we  do

  15. the games today were so much better played than yesterdays, packers and 49ers was close but both teams made bad mistakes and  packers should of had an easy pick 6 and a couple more, but todays games were on point, back and forth and came down to the very end, hope next week gives us some more good football, maybe a rematch Ravens/ 49ers? would love to see Detroit, would make a great storyline

  16. I blew Ravens game, thought had an upset, packers out played 49ers but give  them credit at  the end, they best play better or lions might  beat them, congrats to all and Bills whom I picked well  a very good game and kickers have not been  friendly for decades to bills fan but don't blame it all on that, first Allen hit diggs on a long fly which he should of caught but dropped, then after some nice conversions Allen threw a horrible pass to a wide open receiver in end zone and of course Romo jumped in and said "it wasn't an errant throw he got hit by Jones" and replay showed no one touched Allen, was pulling for them

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