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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I gotta get this off my chest and let me know if you can relate. I'll preface this by saying it has nothing to do with anyone here. All that said, it's a source of deep resentment for me to encounter people I haven't seen in years and years and they'll gradually take that as an opportunity to unload all of their bullshit on me for free advice or counsel. Immigration concerns, tax issues, home buying or repair and on and on. The moment you tell them something they disagree with they want to argue the point, and they are arguing from ignorance because they never made the effort to become more well informed in the first place. Even more infuriating is when it's not someone I haven't seen in years and years, but someone I barely know who uses a mutual acquantaince as a conduit for similar support. Finally, how about people you seldom if ever see who want to cold call you on a weekend to "catch up". In other words, waste two hours of your time on a bunch of meaningless bullshit of no consequence to what's going on today. You know, Ozzy once said he makes it a point to cut ties with people from the past...childhood friends, whatever...as otherwise it leads to sustaining connections that have long since lost any relevance to your current life. I didn't necessarily agree with that at the time, but seriously, the older I get I just want to be left alone. I don't mind dealing with people but I prefer to do so in small doses --- ten or fifteen minutes tops.   

    10-15 minutes top, shit Steve you could be a hooker and make some monet to boot 🤣, seriously this is why I have lived in the country, have acerage, peacefulness, hunt , fish and stay off or never have  been on facebook or twitter, and with 2 of my 3 kids choosing to live in big cities when I visit them  and experience their  challenges I realize how fortunate I am to be a sort of Dinosaur, I have neighbors I might say hello to but that's it, a few very trusted friends that my wife and I hang with, got rid of my home phone years ago so the past can't keep calling

  2. On 11/5/2023 at 2:11 PM, hummingbird69 said:

    This video is a microcosm for America.   Both of these people are in the wrong. She probably shouldn't have been recording him unless he was doing something unlawful (didn't look like it to me)  but that total piece of shit shouldn't be attacking women either. I'm sure he could have gotten her to leave without beating her up.  What I want to see is what happened when the police showed up to arrest him for assault.

    sir i'm exercising my constitutional rights lmao, almost think the taping was a set up for a race moment thing, anyways doubt any police showed up and if they did no one  arrested my guess

  3. 5 hours ago, Badgeholder Still said:

    KC doesn't isn't winning convincingly. They had to squeak a win out over the Jets, couldn't squeak a win out over Denver and needed a defensive TD before a scoreless 2nd half to win Sunday. With that and the Mahomes>Kelce connection not being dependable, it's hard to rank them higher than the average AFC team. Playing like that they shoulda got leveled by Miami. They could refocus but it hasn't happened yet. It does seem like they have a guardian angel, maybe Hank Stram with a helping hand. Maybe just the refs, lol.

    no doubt they get the calls, that's how they beat the jets

  4. 16 hours ago, Strider said:

    What a capper to the weekend! I was busy with a wedding and didn't have my ears tuned to any news at all last week. Not to mention the fact that I have given up on the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame ever having any relevance again. The fact that Eminem and Billy Joel got in before Link Wray, when Link should have been inducted in the very first class when he was still alive, no later than the second or third class at least, is a stain of shame the Hall will never erase.

    Props to Jimmy for such a loving and deeply-felt tribute and for breaking out that heavy Gibson EDS-1275!

    What a happy surprise!

    rock  n roll hall of  fame is  as diluted as our sport hall of fames have become, change the name to the new world music hall of fame cuz there isn't much rock here to induct sadly

  5. 13 hours ago, Strider said:

    Miami beats Denver. Denver beats Kansas City. Kansas City beats Miami.

    What this weekend showed was that, at the moment, Kansas City and Baltimore are tops in the AFC and likely the teams with the home field advantage. Jacksonville, Miami, Buffalo, Cincinnati are all down in the next tier and most likely will have to travel on the road throughout the playoffs. Miami and Buffalo are different teams on the road without their inclement home weather advantages (heat and humidity for Miami and freezing cold for Buffalo).

    Philadelphia is alone at the top of the NFC. Until San Francisco can get their injury shit together, who can trust them? Remember, Kyle Shanahan still has not won shit in the NFL. He still wears that 28-3 albatross around his neck from Super Bowl 51.

    As for Dallas, they still come up small in the big moments. Dak cannot step out of bounds on that 2-point conversion. That is just unpardonable. Also, the time wasting keeps happening when a good team would have learned from past mistakes and fixed the problem by now. I see the same problem with Miami. They just cannot get their personnel packages and play calls in on time. That will cost them in the playoffs.

    all true but whatever the records come playoff time nobody especially the chiefs want to play the bengals, they can go into any home field and walk away with victory so long as they are healthy, Dak well is Dak, nuff said

  6. hey cowboys get the led out of your ass and play with some urgency! glad Olsen the announcer said they were wasting precious time with about 5 minutes to go, anyways they played well enough to lose, missed touchdown and 2 pt. conversions and they still had a chance at the end, i'll take the loss because in a big game Prescott played well instead of choking, he ran hard and took couple good shots, growing pains

  7. 5 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    There could be any number of reasons and there's no point reading into it. I recall when Jeff had two gigs at the Tokyo Dome City Hall in April 2014, he invited Jimmy to join him for an onstage jam either night but Jimmy flatly refused. A few years prior, at the 02 in London, Jeff invited Jimmy and Ronnie Wood to jam with him on what was Jeff's 65th birthday. Both declined and at that time, Jeff told Jimmy we was "chicken".

    also in reading above from details about this performance seems like there was a great amount of rehearsing rumble and getting it perfect at least to Jimmys desire, perhaps the Beck tribute was lacking   in proper rehearsal time due to fact so many players were coming in   and  concert was more about winging it and having a fun time?

  8. ok which Bills team shows up against kc? the one who dominates and qb is all world? the won who plays well enough to lose? or the one  who just doesn't show up? I'm thinking Allen and his team will be hitting  on all cylinders but  the worst thing that could happen to them was that KC got ass kicked by Broncos, game of the week

  9. 15 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    The only thing you're off on is that Russia was just waiting for biden to be elected so they could continue what they started under the obama admin. Ukraine would have been invaded immediately if hilary had won instead of Trump.

    the famed reset button

  10. 3 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

    43 years ago tonight, Led Zeppelin was scheduled to play Joe Louis Arena on the 1980 tour.  After the 1977 Silverdome show, I was so looking forward to seeing them in a more intimate setting.  I've often pondered through the years what that show would have been like on a Devil's Night in the Motor City.  Seeing Page & Plant years later in a normal arena setting at the Palace of Auburn Hills just made me ponder even more through the years what could have been.  I'll never forget pulling up to my buddy's house and him coming out the front door and handing me my ticket money back.  He looked at me so sad and said, "Well, at least we got to see them once".    The music died for me between September of 1980 and John Lennon's murder a little more than 3 months later.  It also corresponded with me turning 20, and I knew in my heart I was leaving an era behind that would never come back.  As Neil sang, "You can't be 20 on Sugar Mountain, even tho' you're leaving there too soon."

    I didn't realize Bonzo and Lennon were so close in timing , shit I still remember hearing it when of all people Cosell anounced to all watching monday night football that Lennon had been shot, hope your lions win tonight, I need Laporta to have a good game, he's my fantasy T.E. lol

  11. On 10/29/2023 at 3:27 AM, redrum said:


    very nice, so let me see if i can somehow follow the bouncing ball, Trump broke Iran with his economic sanctions, also kept  China and Russia in check by sanctions and energy independence, strong military presence, Biden does away with our energy, gives oil and economies back to Iran and Russia, Iran makes Billions as result, funnels money to Hamas, Russia invades Ukraine after watching botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, Hamas declares war on Israel, China threatens to  bomb Taiwan, and all the news agencies tell  the world its Donald Trumps fault, ok now I understand


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