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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. so the mets decided to swing the bats ! kids took me sundays to see Nats for my bday followed by dinner in little italy, great day, mets got pounded but got to see Seavers statue, hall of fame, etc... even caught a ball in right field which i grabbed bare handed and gave to a young girl couple rows back, anyways they have a weak schedule and need to capitalize on it or else its wild card for them, good news Braves have a  few games left with Phillies

  2. 4 hours ago, redrum said:

    Denver at Seattle

    Want to see how Wilson is welcomed. Thought for sure he would die puking ugly Seattle green bile. 

    he will get a heros welcome much like New England  did to Brady, then once game starts they will want Russel to suck just like Brady did that night last year and boo the crap out of him is my guess

  3. 3 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    yes, the answer all lefties go to when they have nothing to come back with.

    The same people who are doing everything they can to bend reality to their wanting are the ones telling you men can get pregnant, the laptop was fake, and trump is a racist fascist dictator and anyone who wants him for president is a white supremist. If you want to follow them be my guest, but don't expect me to follow you off that cliff.

    The vax was rushed period. That is a fact. The amount of time normally taken to make sure a vaccine is safe and truly effective did not happen. Vaccines normally take anywhere from 5, 10 or more years of development and testing before they reach the public. There have been NO long range studies done on this vax and there have been way too many side effects and complications. Normally if a vax causes any reactions it's pulled immediately. Not with this one. If you want to believe in fauci go ahead and make yourself feel safe.  The fact is this vax is not as good as they say it is. If you want to take it go ahead and take it, but with all the people screaming about the side effects of Hydroxychloroquine, a perfectly safe and effective medicine you'd think they might be worried about a vax that IS causing myocarditis and blood clots. Rare events or not if you want to take the vax that's your choice just as it is my choice not to take it.  You can poo poo anything you want because it's not from your sources but there are real doctors out there who feel different and that doesnt automatically make them right or wrong but there is a difference in opinion.

    this is from june.  This is from a British news org. 


    you won't see that picked up by wide stream media

  4. 1 hour ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I just went to farm market and like an idiot I gave the guy $5 a quart for home grown Tomatoes. You cant get good tomatoes until this time of year so I was desperate. Than I walk across and find the other woman I usually buy from and it was $3.50.  I bought peach's too.  Not ripe yet but I love them also.  Yes, up in Ct, and the NE at this time of year great crops.  And the rain was good this year for a change.  Lots of rain here in upstate NY.  So lots of good tomatoes and peach's coming.

    you took all our rain, you Buffalo winger you, shit we haven't had rain in 3 months, no reason to cut grass, all brown, so my 5 dollar driscoll blackberries have mold on them after 2 days, wife threw them out, got fked again without any loving lol

  5. 13 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Thank goodness someone posted this. Of course that system only favors one party. JackOsbourne, Stephanie B Bones, Hummer69, and please Custard Pie in my face are on some other level thoughts. Not being able to listen to anyone or ever admit that they could possibly be incorrect, or even have a wrong idea and or thought just shows that. 

    Again, great post. 

    not sure why i'm included but whatever, good luck with your business , we need more people willing to take chances in this country, i'll be 61 late august, self employed construction with my 3 brothers, for over 40 years we built subdivisions, ball fields, with our heavy equipment, employed many, and never collected a penny , all the while putting 3 kids through college, in ct. a state almost as liberal as Cali. ,  hope business continues well for you and yours

  6. 6 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I drove by Driscol farms which sends their raspberries and much more here, huge place.  Incredible.  

    yeah get it here in ct. also, blueberries, raspberries and black berries, great stuff but 2 years ago quart cost under 2 bucks , now over 5

  7. 9 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    The American Red State/Blue State Revolution. Game on, let's do this. The Red State Army has the farmers, truckers, hunters and auto mechanics. The Blue State Army has the street vagrants, game developers and people who don't know which bathroom to use.     


  8. 15 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    Thanks for your snarky reply. That was just one of many articles I’ve been reading. I’ll post as many as you would like. I’m fully aware of my states issues. And as I have said I’m not a huge fan of our current Governor. I’ll tell you what, just simply type into any server you want to use, and type in what states have the highest crime rates. Which states are the poorest, or most reliant on welfare, we can search anything you would like. 




    And because you will say that they are left leaning, let’s try this one. 


    snarky, really? read your initial response, thanks

  9. 10 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    Uh-oh, the forum police are here;  everyone, quick, hide your stash!

    On a more serious note, I will say this re. Zep:  avoiding UK residency in the 70's for tax purposes does not exactly scream "bleeding heart liberal".

    the funny thing is after 5 million deaths, 2 covid shots, boosters, children now being asked to get vaxxed, masks don't work to  lets wear 2 masks, etc.... who is spreading the misinformation  around and who is blindly following like sheep? news for the masses, its ok to ask questions from bureaucrats when it concerns your life and your loved ones

  10. On 8/5/2022 at 7:58 AM, Plant77 said:

    Man, the right can sure conspiracy. They are also without a doubt the best at calling the other party out for what their own failures are, as well as claiming responsibility for the successes of the other party, and they are 100% the best scare tactics, fear mongering.  Just so we are clear Murder rates and crime rates are higher in Red States. Below is a small snipped from an article from The Hill. But I suppose in a segment of the Right truth no longer matters. Just spread crap and blame the other side. 


    For the last two years, the nation has been awash in news accounts about soaring violent crime and murder in cities and states run by Democrats. That narrative is ubiquitous, particularly in conservative media, where Democratic mayors are routinely called out and excoriated for turning a blind eye to crime. That story is half right and half — to be charitable — lazy and wrong.

    Let’s dispatch with the part that is correct. We have a murder problem in America,

    Now, for the rest of the story. In a report Third Way recently released, we found that murder was much more prevalent in red states than blue states. That’s right. In 2020, homicide rates were a stunning 40 percent higher in the 25 states that former President Donald Trump won compared to the 25 won by current President Joe Biden. Of the 10 states with the highest 2020 per capita murder rates in America, eight of them not only voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, they voted Republican in every presidential election this century.

    Mississippi — a state that neither conjures up weak on crime images nor Democratic officeholders — topped the charts with a 2020 murder rate twice that of blue Illinois, thrice that of bluer California, and four times that of bluest New York. The red states of Louisiana, Kentucky, Alabama and Missouri rounded out the top five and each had murder rates at least six times Massachusetts, four times New Jersey and just shy of twice that of Michigan. These blue states are home to the “crime-is-out-of-control” cities you read about daily — Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Boston, Newark and Detroit. They generate the headlines, the outrage and the political backlash.

    Yet, media coverage is essentially mum about Lexington, Kentucky, which has set back-to-back murder records, has a homicide rate twice that of New York City and has a Republican mayor. Tulsa and Oklahoma City have Republican mayors, a Republican governor and murder rates that dwarf that of Los Angeles. Jacksonville was the murder capital of Florida in 2020 with its Republican mayor, governor and a stratospheric homicide rate that if it were matched in New York City would’ve added more than 1,000 murders that year.

    And to top it off, the homicide rate in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) San Francisco was half that of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) Bakersfield, the largest city in Kern County and one with a Republican mayor — with overwhelming Trump support and not a whiff of flirtation with defund the police movements. In fact, the murder capital of California for six years running is sleepy Kern County130 miles from Los Angeles and 306 miles from San Francisco, the two California locales most often associated with the crime-is-out-of-control national headlines that have dominated U.S. crime  and political coverage.

    just a couple of points if I may, you cite third way as your go to media source, wikipedia states " third way originated in washington dc in 2005 as a re-evaluation of political policies within various centre-left progressive movements" enough said! thank you for correcting me on California, your state, I thought  gov. was a liberal, progressive ,  democrat but clearly he must be a republican, cities like  New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Milwaukee, LA, San Fran, where crime and murder have been ignored by the media must all be run by republicans lol. Crime is up everywhere, I would guess every state because of Biden and the democrats war on police, District Attorneys who refuse to prosecute, and perhaps the biggest reason is Biden and the democrats open border policy, yup let anyone come on in, men, women , children, bring their drugs, their unchecked diseases, some are truly bad dudes whose countries are only to happy to pull out of jail and dump through our open borders, then  and third way won't tell you this  but team Biden puts them on airplanes and dumps them all over the country, red states and blue states, so yes crime is  sky rocketing and  a third grader would be able to figure out why, its policy  driven, its by design, its on purpose and until people  smarten up   , think for themselves, shut off big tech and media, this trend will only continue to get worse

  11. 5 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    WOW...GREAT point!

    elections are a few months away, democrats need something other than their record to stay in power, monkey pox, a virus exchanged between gay men maybe just what the Faucci ordered, can't run on open borders, drug overdoses, highest crime wave ever,  vaccinnes and boosters that don't work, never have, along with no mask, wear a mask, wear 2 mask, etc.... the only way to stay in power is an illusion and this is what they are hoping for, sad but true

  12. 7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    This push to confuse the masses along gender lines is intended to demolish the notion of natural law, objective reality and the traditional family structure.

    I thought it was  the next step in trying to fuck over the world

  13. On 7/22/2022 at 3:24 AM, slave to zep said:

    Well, the photo was posted by the current owner of the house, and she said it was Jimmy and his daughter, Zofia. They visited this week.

    I googled Zofia and it says she is now 25, but doesn't look like this girl....

    well her shirt says 2014 so .....

  14. On 7/13/2022 at 6:55 AM, slave to zep said:

    I'm unvaccinated and work in a supermarket  unmasked.

    Haven't had covid, but about 75% of my vaccinated workmates have had covid.

    My immune system is working for me.



    On 7/12/2022 at 10:34 PM, cryingbluerain said:

    Planned Demic #2 is on the way, that and fraud is the only way to stay in control

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