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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 19 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    This PSA for a nuclear attack is just the Biden Administration's latest, desperate attempt to spin Putin as not only the boogeyman but a nuclear threat. Where is the PSA for what to do when the economy collapses into recession later this year, disenfranchising millions of already unstable citizens?


    Steve, what recession? media keeps telling  us everything is great here in the states, Janet Yellen says if there is a slowdown then more abortions is what is needed to fix the economy, gas + 59%, fuel oil +98%, meat, poultry, fish +10.4%, milk + 16.4% eggs +33.1%, coffee +15.8%, airline fares +34%, real average hourly earnings-3.6%, all under Biden and his brillant people with zero business experience!

    conclusion: you can bet your ass democrats are working their asses off on the next planned demic in time for mid terms

  2. On 7/9/2022 at 12:55 AM, Plant77 said:

    Damn it. If  you did say it. Which I now think you did, what a great example. Who in the hell wears a mask while alone in a car. Well, someone who would masturbate with a condom. Thank you for that. It is brilliant. Also, sorry to apply credit where it did not belong. My bad. 

    no worries, i'm jacking off now with a condom on while wearing a mask watching clips of dr, Faucci, lmao😆

  3. On 7/6/2022 at 10:52 PM, Plant77 said:

    Hello, Not to be argumentative. But Jimmy’s fascination with Crowley is really no more disturbing than my fascination with Jimmy, and the band. It was and may still be something that he is passionate about. I personally don’t know enough about Crowley to call him a fraud. I have read about him not only because of Jimmy but other’s interest in him. Crowley  may have been a bit ahead of his time. I certainly know that most if not all Zep fans do not subscribe to any curse or anything that is remotely close to that. The bands ending was a product of the band and it’s members succumbing to the traps of life. They are after all just like you and I. They just happen to be spectacular, and perhaps even genius, and true artist. And to me that word Artist gets thrown around far to often. But In my humble opinion they are all uniquely talented and head and shoulders above their contemporaries.


    Sorry to ramble, but Jimmy and his personal beliefs has nothing to do with how I feel about him, or how I perceive him to be. I could read about him until I am blue in the face, and I have tried that. But most of what we know comes second to way beyond second hand. I try and enjoy them for what they have given us as zeppelin fans. And to even be more blunt, I could not possibly bother myself with what their personal beliefs are. They were amazing. So for me it ends there. 

    Cheers. Have a great day. 

    very well said and in complete agreement as a long time zep fan

  4. 13 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    About the masks alone in a car, or alone walking down the street. If I’m not mistaken you once said that is like jacking off with a rubber. I could swear that I read that from you on this thread somewhere. And laughed my ass off. That is a perfect description for sure. 

    that may have been me

  5. just saw this thread and had to chime in, the  back to back show of the Addams family and the munsters got me through college, took 6 years but couldn't of done it without cousin It and Spot and the rest  of the crew, god television was so much better then vs. the crap reality  shows of today

  6. 7 hours ago, Strider said:

    The great American Highschool Trilogy:

    American Graffiti: The pre-Beatles 1960s

    Dazed & Confused: 1976

    Fast Times at Ridgemont High: 1981-82

    my favorite was american graffiti with Richie Cunningham, any room for porky ? even believe Plant sang a song in one of them, the penis lineup with they gym teacher was a classic

  7. 51 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    wonder why it took forever before  united states ruled Bidens mandates were illegal? and that osha had no authority to enforce such regulations on americans in the work force? Also the bought and paid for media will never publish or show these stories, or covid deaths under Biden, with 2 kids getting married this year i'm wondering what stunt they will  introduce to ruin their day and mid terms elections in november, perhaps the abortion fight will take center stage and covid will once and for all go away, if it does take Faucci with you please

  8. 1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

    Promoting the sequestering of the most vulnerable is prudent public health policy. Locking down everyone is tyranny. In the end, it didn't make a damn bit of difference.

    especially when we were at early stages Governors like Cuomo deliberately put  positive covid patients in with  the elderly in nursing homes, killing tens of thousands, not putting them in the arenas Trump had national guard put together in record time and a navy ship for make shift hospitals, this is why he was rail roaded by his own party on sex assault charges

  9. 10 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    What’s going on buddy. The same for me. I love the game because of these discussions. There is no other sport like it. But that is my point. The National League prior to the DH faced weaker line ups. That’s just a fact. The DH was introduced in 73 and that wasn’t the standard in the World Series. So being that Seaver and others faced slightly easier lineups they were able to pitch deeper into games. However the pitchers of the 1970’s and early to mid 80’s were still pitching far deeper into games. Typically American League pitchers had slightly higher ERA’s and slightly fewer complete games. But I have to wonder why pitchers are not able to go deep into games? And I think it is because of kids throwing breaking balls way younger than we started throwing them growing up. And they don’t throw enough, and on top of that they use max effort from the jump. Pitchers of yesterday worked into their action. They didn’t start balls to the walls. There are many other contributions. But those are some. My A’s were the most successful team of the decade and like 10 people know it. But they won 3 World Series in a row, pennants from 71/75, and 90 plus games from 70-76. Had they not had Charlie Finnely and had an owner that wanted to continue the success and pay his players they could have won at least a few more WS. The funny thing is that they are forgotten. Not by A’s fans though. 

    Cheers brother. 

    i remember them well, catfish, vida blue, maybe blue moon odom? sal mustache Bando, reggie, joe rudi, Campenaras? still think Seaver over ruled yogi and opted to pitch game 6 on 3 days rest was the series, should of told Seaver to wait a day and pitch 7 if needed, power pitcher with legs needed that extra day, think you told me when i first joined few months ago you were honored before game, have you ever explained? pretty big deal

  10. On 4/16/2022 at 5:27 PM, Plant77 said:

    Well considering that Seaver had more complete games than either Palmer or Catfish, and had more wins than either, and faced weaker lineups not having to face the DH I would say that he had more wins exactly because of that. Tom Terrific was a beast. However the DH came into the American League in 73 and Palmer and Catfish both started their careers in 65. But I would argue that National League pitchers won more games precisely because of them being able to face weak 8-9 hole hitters. Actually if you look at the last of the 300 win pitchers the majority of that has been out of the National League. Maddox, Glavine, Randy Johnson, and then Roger Clemons, the first two were only National League, and Johnson spent several years with the Diamondbacks. And Roger spent a few with the Astros before they moved to the American League.
    I liked the two Leagues to have their differences, but I also like seeing guys who can’t play a position all that well be able to hit. Baseball needs to do a better job at promoting the game, and attracting the youth. They have the best Union of all the major sports, and it is Americas past time. The strike in 94 did major damage, and the lockout they just got out of did not help either. Having said all of that I’m happy they are playing. The summer would not be the same with out it. 

    so went this past weekend to Boston to visit my daughter and her future husband, went saturday to  bosox twins game which sox won 4-0, what I was startled was how many people just walk back and forth, up and down the aisles instead of watching the game, some people 20 or so times which meant we had a tough time seeing the game, don't know if its like that everywhere else but I had the feeling some wern't fans at all but rather wanted to be seen, anyone else have a similar experience? will admit don't get to  many games, mets last year, and yanks couple  years back, perhaps it was our proximity  to the aisle but it was bad, as for the dh it is a double edge sword, your point Seaver having more complete games because he  got to face a pitcher is a valid one, however the same could be said that  Catfish, Palmer, Vida Blue  never had to be pulled late in game because they were coming to bat, these conversations is why I always loved the game, be good

  11. wait, DH in the national league? life long mets fan, how many more wins would Seaver have had if he had the same deal that Catfish and Palmer had, never being removed of a scoreless game going into the 9th?

    never mind, I forgot when Seaver pitched he would never be  dh'd, he was a better hitter than most lol

    lets go mets

  12. On 4/6/2022 at 3:26 AM, Eyekhan said:

    Could it be the Jimmy just has other interests? Good for him. There’s a difference between playing around the house and being match fit to appear on an album. He’s already climbed the mountain, playing on an album with a completely washed Ozzy and a completely insane Clapton is beneath him. 

    why is Clapton insane? if its because he follows the science, realizes mask and vaccine  don't work and isn't afraid to speak his mind and or be cancelled by the woke mob I say Bravo to him! you want to wear a mask and take 5 extra boosters be my guest, your choice but don't call someone insane because he has a differing opinion and one actually based on science, now if you think he's insane for other reasons then please forgive this lengthy post

  13. 1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

    California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows

    Lawrence Richard
    Mon, April 11, 2022, 1:24 AM

    A new study has graded states by how well they handled the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent restrictions and lockdowns, showing a stark contrast between liberal and conservative states.

    The Committee To Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education, and mortality from the virus, and examined how states and their respective governments handled the pandemic response.

    "Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states," Steve Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, told Fox News Digital. "We hope the results of this study will persuade governors not to close schools and businesses the next time we have a new virus variant."

    New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing "poorly on every measure," the report said.



    These states "had high age-adjusted death rates; they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and they kept their schools shut down much longer than almost all other states," the report added.

    States like Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota and Florida — all governed by Republicans — received the highest scores in the study, first through sixth, respectively. In fact, 13 of the top 15 states in the study are governed by Republicans. (Montana had a Democratic governor until the 2020 election.)


    The study also found no correlation in those states that enacted stringent travel, vocation and dining restrictions with lower death totals.

    "The study verifies other studies which have found that locking down businesses, stores, churches, schools, and restaurants had almost no impact on health outcomes across states," the report determined. "States with strict lockdowns had virtually no better performance in COVID death rates than states that remained mostly open for business."

    Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis <span class="copyright">Getty Images</span>
    Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis Getty Images

    Throughout the first two years of the pandemic, liberal states were widely applauded for their restrictions while conservative states were lambasted.

    well you won't see this on mainstream media

  14. 11 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    how bout never! why should you when we threw science out the window 18 months ago and media and big tech cover your ass daily, i'm afraid for my 2 kids weddings in july and october that  Fraudcci will be spreading the misinformation all over again, after all its all about the mid terms

  15. On 3/16/2022 at 12:16 PM, hummingbird69 said:


    I see a diehard dumbass biden voter who thinks what the left has been telling him the truth.   

    How many lies have you believed from the left?

    That Trump was a russian asset.

    That he colluded with russia to steal the election.

    That the dossier was real.

    That there was a video of trump being pissed on by hookers.

    That his phone call with Ukraine was some kind of strong arm tactic to get something he wanted.

    That he is putins puppet.

    That Trump is racist.

    That trump has never condemned white supremacy.

    That he called the neo nazis fine people.

    That America is inherently racist.

    That all white people everywhere are racist no matter what.

    That he caused a riot at the capital with the words "To peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".

    That trump is a dictator.

    That trump said dead soldiers were losers.

    That everything wrong today is trumps fault.

    That the inflation we are experiencing is due to putins war and only putins war.

    That shutting down the keystone pipeline and stopping other production hasn't meant anything to gas prices.

    That covid was some kind of super bug that was going to kill everybody and all the other bullshit they told you.

    That trump was responsible for the deaths of people from covid because he didn't act fast enough.

    That trump is somehow mentally incapacitated.

    That trump would start WWIII.

    That trump was making the wrong move by shutting the border with a wall.

    That trump was being xenophobic by stopping travel to and from china.

    That people should wear a mask that does absolutely nothing to stop you from getting covid or spreading it yourself.

    That trump said people should inject themselves with bleach.

    That fauci is the only doctor you should listen to during the pandemic.

    That any medicine or treatment for covid mentioned by trump was going to kill the person who tried them.

    That people who cross the border illegally are a different situation from those flying into the country legally.

    Do I need to post more??

     Your real problem is that you believe what the left i.e  politicians wants you to believe.

    If you think cuomo is innocent because the case has been dropped then

    why doesn't trump get the same reaction from the left when investigation after investigation came up empty and now the lead prosecutors 

    investigating trump for that total idiot letitia james have resigned because they know its ALL bullshit too!

    If you're going to believe false accusations made by politicians instead of real journalists who name sources and provide real evidence rather than just pointing to anonymous people who do not exist you will get what you get when you vote for tools like those in the White House today.



    very nice Hummingbird, all facts that were called lies by the leftist media and big tech, you would think average witted people would start to realize  what was deemed misinformation few months later is factual, but Rhinos and democrats refuse  to move on Hillary for paying and starting the russia hoax, shit this is what Nixon resigned over with watergate, but no arrest, no handcuffs, then Biden the big guy with his  druugy kid making deals with all these countries, yup no investigation, truly sickening

  16. On 4/7/2022 at 8:29 PM, SteveAJones said:

    There's always alot of false positive testing. I'm not concerned about a virus that would see me asymptomatic and I'd need a test to even know I had it. Pelosi has done more damage to American lives than a virus with an above 98% survival rate.

    pelosi is thankful for the protections? a fucking condom with 50 holes in it could  have the same effect as well what are we  up to now 5 or 6 shots? lost count, lmao, democrats need  to  realize the world is moving on from this planneddemic and come november no one will listen if you try again for the mid terms

  17. 12 hours ago, HollywoodBowl1998 said:

    If I have this right, Zep played a prank on Phil Carson by ditching him mid song in a Japan 1971 show. Does anyone know the show and song where this occurred? I tried finding it once, to no avail, but I'm sure I just wasn't patient enough. Apparently they got booed for it and kinda is one of their few professional stage regrets.  Anyways, I'm hoping to hear this happen. Does anyone know these fine details?

    believe it was in japan where they invited him on stage and they did leave stage for a moment, this was in hammer of gods if you can believe what Cole says

  18. On 4/7/2022 at 7:04 AM, SteveAJones said:

    Five million dollars?! The owners would do well to get fifty thousand. The building fell into disrepair decades ago and is little more than a rotting hulk. As for mixed used development, the Detroit market arguably doesn't need another downtown entertainment venue, it needs affordable housing. I'm skeptical this structure could be rehabbed to offer it.

    and clean, uncontaminated drinking water too

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