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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 23 minutes ago, Hackenbush said:

    I just came across some ad-lib lyrics by Mick Jagger during  Star Star from a live show in 78.

    "Jimmy Page was quite a rage.  I never saw the reason why"

    Its around the 13:40 mark.



    thats funny and odd, Jagger has always  complimented Page and Zeppelin, remember one quote in rolling stone in early 80's he said " everyone is coming to see us because Zep isn't around" or to that effect

  2. On 3/20/2022 at 6:47 PM, SteveAJones said:

    More gender politics bullshit from Ann Wilson and a female journalist. The only thing more absurd than this suggestion that she audition are those who did audition.  

    are you  saying there was no auditions at the time? thought  couple years back Jones said something to the effect " it was to be a page solo project" and Page wasn't ready for singers  and dropped the whole deal?

  3. 16 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

    I like Russell Wilson but Denver got fleeced on this trade.  They're not exactly contenders like, say, the Rams were last year, and they gave up a shitload for a QB who looks to be in decline.

    when Teddy left  saints after filling  for Brees he got life changing money at Carolina, traded to Denver , kept the big money, so does he turn up somewhere or call it quits?

  4. 7 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    That's fucked up, sorry to hear CPman. I had my own horror story from my last colonoscopy. Felt like they used a freakin' IMax camera! I was cactus for a week, couldn't sit. Very painful.

    suffice to say, after 2 years of rehab i'm doing better, have 2 kids getting married this year, no rear view mirror for me, looking forward and yes, will never get another one again

  5. 24 minutes ago, Strider said:

    The Calvin Ripley thing is just the tip of the iceberg. Now that the NFL and other sports have allowed on-site betting and gambling is legal across the board, you will see a whole bunch of stuff that makes Pete Rose look like a day in Sunday School.

    As for Russell Wilson, I kind of wish the Raiders had ponied up something to entice Russ to the team. Speaking from a Raider fan perspective, this trade to Denver just made the AFC West a lot tougher for the Raiders. Mahomes in KC, Herbert in SD, and Danger Russ in Denver...all three QBs are better than Derek Carr of the Raiders.

    AFC West and NFC West are the two best divisions in football.

    Fuck Aaron Rodgers and the Fudge-packers soap opera. Every year it's the same crying and whining...just as it was when drama queen Favre was there. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The only thing coming out of Rodgers mouth is the cum he's gargling. Enjoy another early-round exit from the playoffs next year Green Bay. Bwahahahahahaha. 

    and now the nfc least just got worse as colts trade Carson Wentz to redskins, god that division is brutal

  6. 22 hours ago, Walter said:

    Rodgers $200 million for 4 years....$153 million guaranteed. Say good-bye to the rest of the team. That's a quarter of the payroll for less than 2% of the team. 

    but if you can't win  with him why would you ever go that route? team will be done in a few short years

  7. 56 minutes ago, Electrophile said:

    I find it hilarious that Goodell will suspend a player a whole season for gambling, but not for beating the crap out of his wife/girlfriend/fiancee or child. Oh, and by "hilarious" I mean, "pathetic and sad."

    agree but he caters to the  mob and the blm crowd so yes go after Drew Brees for standing for the Anthem and go after Rodgers for his choice not to put or inject a vaccine that isn't working as planned but if  you rape, beat assault, gang bang, drugs, well nfl will always look the other way, especially if your black, not a racist whatsoever just stating the facts as I see them, zero moral compass

  8. 2 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    Did Fauxci see his shadow and go back into hibernation for the Covid season?

    pretty amazing that same time  truckers were fighting in canada for all our freedoms, Faucci and the democrats decided covid was over with, and the liberals don't suspect anything lol

  9. 5 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Blood clots!  Wow. So cumodin right?  Spelled wrong Im sure. but I know how it goes after a surgery I had a DVT in lower calf. The meds got rid of it

    20mg of xarelto, happened after a routine colonoscopy, was in 2 hospitals for 1 week, thought  had heart attack or blockage cuz I couldn't walk or climb stairs, after c scans and battery of tests was dismissed and 3 days later leg swelled up, back to hospital, cat scan revealed lungs were loaded, something happened while i was knocked out, no one will investigate or sue, doing better now but was messed up for over 2 years

  10. 9 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    So it was a walk in the park more or less?  But you do not have diabetes I am guessing and are not over 70 right?  I notice the local stores are now without masks with the employees and many customers do not have them on.  Wegmans I use as an example because here they are like the biggest thing there is long with Walmart and Target and a few others  I think the masks did much good though.  Preventing the spread of many illness's.  And Covid did produce some good things.  Like the water getting cleaner, or less dirty.   Even the Hudson river is a bit cleaner.  Less traffic there for some time.  So less air pollution.  Lots of cleanup including the subways in NY getting an overhaul. . Thanks for that Andy Cuomo.  I hope they dont lock you up.  Seriously. OK.  Maybe the guy hit on a few women.  He did not rape anyone that I am aware of. 

    60 and blood clots but yes, a minor cold for both of us

  11. so  we have a war going on, bombs dropping , lives taken and these spoiled brats are arguing on  how many millions of dollars to play a childs game? I'm at the point that i'm getting so disgusted with  major sports, owners and players alike that  its irrelevant to me, let them go get a real job, enough! i'll watch  you tube videos of miracle mets

  12. 2 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

    LMAO...just got an e-mail from the University Pandemic Preparedness Team.  Miraculously overnight, our county went from "high risk" to "low risk" so starting tomorrow, we will no longer be required to wear masks indoors!  What a joke! I have no doubt that they were bombarded with "the science" from faculty and staff and THAT is what reversed their decision!

    so my wife tested positive last wednesday and  monday for me, we both have common cold, nothing more or less, how come the liberals aren't screaming that they have been lied to? where is the science?, no media, big tech. woke corporations will act and go on like covid never happened, power and greed run a muck.I think they are afraid  of what might be coming their way, thank you Canadian Truckers

  13. On 2/27/2022 at 11:08 AM, chillumpuffer said:

    Beef Brisket. In the slow cooker since 10 this morning. Loads of veggies in the pot which will be squeezed and made into gravy. Mash and Broccoli and a good full bodied red will be splendid.

    how did it come out in slow cooker? never had it that way, did you brown it first? thanks

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