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custard pie man

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Everything posted by custard pie man

  1. but... there is no limit to stupid, on another not as a life long cowboys fan living in ct. all my life I really hope your Bills kick the crap out of the patriots, even though Brady isn't there i'm so sick of it all
  2. so Omar the marry the brother from another from Minnesota, AOC, republicans hate me because they can't have sex with me and the rest of the hate Israel squad should be going ape shit over this top immunologist from Israel, can't wait for that racist response from the communist left, meanwhile back in the states the weekend at bernies imitator in the white house will be putting together a new task force to deal with the biggest threat facing us, wait for it, domestic terrorist! shit my wife and I and 3 kids have to be on it because of our love of country and we follow the constitution , well I waited almost 20 years to post here but I'll continue until the regime carts me away
  3. there will be more, I said this over a year ago, democrats will keep this going until the midterms so they can attempt the steal#2, I can remember back with vietnam people were pissed as hell at Jane Fonda and wanted to go after her for treason, well fast forward to today, if we had a dept. of Justice who wasn't bought and paid for can you imagine how many people in our federal gov't. that could and should be charged with treason?
  4. Steve, it is probably just me thinking like trailer park trash that big tech. has an agenda in protecting the left movement, shielding the truth to americans from the self created covid virus, the truth about the unconstitutional mandates, the steal, the false narrative that "this pandemic is because of the unvaccinated" but I know that isn't true because I watched cnn and msnbc today and they said it wasn't true, god help us all, lmao
  5. so Faucci lied again, documents are public and available but no one has seen them, wonder why Faucci is afraid of disclosing his financials as the highest paid federal dirt bag? wonder if next he'll be selling paintings with Bidens druggie son in the white house for 500k a pop, meanwhile lets impeach Trump 3 times
  6. take some zinc and vitamin c,k ind of the same boat with my wife but think were good, most of everyone I know including my family were all vaccinated and tested positive, the few not have never gotten sick
  7. and being paid to do so by George Soros and bailed out by the occupants in the white house, to Steves point about college kids walking out this is a belief I share also however that is why the occupants in the white house are always dangling the carrot of either free college or will wipe your debt clean! someone from washington I would love to have a face to face with and explain why my wife and I put 3 kids through college with little to no help from the government, isn't that reverse racism?
  8. And its always about the Benjamins! even in a backhanded way look what Cuomo and other governors(all democratic) did to the elderly, Trump gave new york a navy ship and basketball arena as make shift hospitals to treat covid patients but governor instead put covid patients with the elderly, killing tens of thousands of them, then covering this criminal act up, why? well perhaps it comes down to their philosophy, your old and not working, we got all the taxes we can grab from you until death, your currently a economic burden to us, what with social security and medicare, heres our chance to lighten the load, stick the covid patients with the elderly, might explain why the democrats got rid of him on bullshit sex related charges, of course there are no charges for his deadly actions, rinse and repeat, oh and if you bring this up we will cancel you
  9. titans vs. cowboys? would be great game but have a feeling the nfl and refs want Rodgers vs. Mahommes so watch for the crucial holding calls people, wait I forgot nfl is woke and Rodgers is immunized lol
  10. they have been cursed ever since the team doctor told Saban that Brees would never recover from his shoulder injury and let him go to saints lol
  11. I wonder if Biden is paying any royalties to the "weekend at Bernies " actor?
  12. not really but our states are lol, wouldn't know how to upload a picture but when one of my kids drop by i'll have them do it
  13. funny thing but all the times i've seen these guys I really can't recall them ever playing this song? did see page and black crowes at worscter centrum couple years later and believe Joe Perry and Whitford joined page and this was one of the tunes they played together, last show that year with crowes, great show
  14. president Biden when pressed to comment said "money has nothing to do with it" it looked to this reporter there was 6 pairs of hands in Bidens pockets as he was reading from a teleprompter
  15. prove it! then find 51% of congress who have some balls and nail his ass, the WHO, CDC, God Trump was right with these useless organizations
  16. so once again the goal post have been moved, gotta love it! good luck to you
  17. Oh I know Rand Paul nailed his ass and had evidence that thoroughly nailed Faucci's ass, just saying I thought he denied this and then changed the definition so to avoid jail should some competent republicans take back the house and have some real investigations and show some nut! I should say i'm what you would call a first and long here, meaning been following here for about 20 years, remember knebby and quite a few others but never felt compelled to register until now, also i'm not great on a computer lol, tokyo? good for you
  18. I was not aware Faucci admitted to that but rather thought he denied then changed the definition of gain of function? Just found out my future son in law who is an officer in the army, (national guard) and has been stationed in providence was called in this past weekend, many were sick and tested positive, they just moved into a new place during fridays snow storm, wife went sunday to help move them in and son in law tested positive this morning, my wife was with them all day yesterday so we'll see what happens! interesting Steve how these viruses all seem to be man made, i'm sure a plane full of illegals will be landing at midnight in a city near you and loaded with untested positive future little democrats
  19. mandates, fear mongering, being guilted into conforming or else is all part of the plan to take away our freedoms, what is worse than the scenario of your friend having to choose vaccine or job is when the democrats try to get you dependent on the gov't through "free health care" unlimited unemployment, free college or rent, etc... their goal is to tear apart at our freedoms, regulate us to death and if that doesn't work, then tax us to death, god , november can't come soon enough
  20. so if your a liberal and a Justice then you can make up shit all the time without getting checked? Fox tried but still you know cnn and msnbc would never, remember they can't win the election if covid dies
  21. can you imagine giving DC 2 more senators or letting Biden expand the courts so we have 9 more Sotomayors running around, god help us all, and like clock work now we have the flu rona coming to a city near you, as for vaccines well I had 2 pfizer shots because my doctor and hematologist strongly encouraged me after having blood clots, I will not get a booster and wish I didn't vaccinate, nothing seems to make sense and I and probably most of you are tired of the bull shit
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