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custard pie man

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Everything posted by custard pie man

  1. Walter, Brees is rumored to take over sunday nite football with Mike T., Romo solid on cbs, Aikman solid on fox, leaves only espn for Payton to do a year or two of tv so as not to cost new team money and picks?
  2. As a life longer going back to Morton and Staubach I can proudly say they would never win a super bowl with Romo and now when Dak was a rookie made same prediction, hope time proves me wrong but just not a leader, especially when theres pressure
  3. he's for capitalism and against censorship? lmao , didn't he say its either him or me because I don't like what he's saying, dudes a joke and as far as health care workers well " hope Neil Young will remember" under Trump they were heroes, laying it all on the line, especially during the early months but now under Biden they either get vaxed or get fired! thanks for everything you did but do this or your gone, Stryder said yesterday he got his booster and he doesn't listen to the noise but rather his doctor which is the way it should be but believe couple weeks back he may have posted he has to get it or he'll be terminated, sorry if I have that wrong but in such a case like that talking to your dr. is great but better get vaxed or you'll get fired, were like a third world country right now with all these useless mandates, hard to believe how quickly Biden has done such damage to our country
  4. so yesterday went to Stew Leonards and gut a bunch of beef short ribs in anticipation of the forester currently going on, so just browned them up, about 4 pounds, threw in crockpot, added 3 cups water, beef broth, cup of wine (josh) wifes favorite, beef crockpot mix, diced potatoes and carrots with little celery, slow cooking until 7 tonite, hopefully snow stops, slean up is done, eat well
  5. for the record Payton has steadfastly denied and nfl really didn't show much proof at all, sort of like impeachment 123, were getting pounded currently in new england , wonder what weather willl be in kc?, shit weather could give advantage to cinncy?
  6. oh god now you did it, the liberals will be going bullshit now!
  7. what I heard this morning was Jones endorsed McCarthy for another year, believe Payton has 3 years left on his deal, we know its illegal to talk with Payton before he announced his intentions but so isn't insider trading, so for sure a deal has been worked out, Payton is coming, the question is how much?, not what Payton get paid but what Saints are to receive in compensation, he may sit this year and do tv or drink margaritas but firmly believe he is going to Dallas, a great coach, best offensive mind in the game, he and Brees were crazy good but had no defense, maybe he can control Dak?
  8. Rodgers is a drama queen, guess he could be on the Kardashians or something like that, i'm actually leaning towards a major upset with cinncy over chiefs and hoping san fran does a number on that rams team with the quietest fans in the world
  9. good for you, hope it stays that way, 2 of my 3 kids and their fiancees who had both shots tested positive over christmas, the lone one who didn't was my son, he is the unvaccinated one who spent the weekend with all of them in New York going to giants cowboys game, it makes no sense how that happened, the good is it was a 1-2 day cold and gone
  10. I have never seen anyone at a school board meeting walking up to a podium and expressing bodily harm with weapons, never seen it and if it happened then that person is an asshole like all the rioters who expressed bodily harm with weapons during the summer of love tour, every last one of them should of been thrown in jail, but sadly they wern't and the few who were were bailed out by the democrats and their machine. As a parent of 3 and a life long taxpayer you can bet your ass I have the right to question what the hell is going on in public schools, to demand facts, scientific facts about vaccines and masks and how they work , but science is sadly left out of the equation, to ask if critical race theory is being preached to children, do as I say or we will stick the FBI on your ass is Bidens answer
  11. yeah seems we have some people here that think your idiotic if you dont listen to or agree with their thought and their thought is the only thought one can and should have, some should work free lance for the new york times, I would agree with your sentiments.I hate rap but would never call the people who love rap idiots, I simply choose to not listen to it
  12. currently 27 , not bad, got wood inside and generator ready, prediction of 12-24 depending on which model comes true with high winds friday night late and all day saturday, grabbing more gas just in case, oh and much like everywhere there is a shortage of plow drivers in new england, salt, sand, etc... good luck everyone
  13. it was right up there with the Minneapolis miracle, same deal , on road Saints battle back, take lead, 4th down, no timeouts, qb closes his eyes and 2 saints swing and miss, question would you want Sean Payton to work with Allen next 4-5 years? if not who is available you would want?
  14. never said it was cool or good and with the f bombs flying it can't get much air play, not a fan of his music except for that one main stream hit that stole from Skynard, however I love that he is telling it like it is, not afraid of the assinine cancel culture, however you go about it music is about expression and freedom to express it, he will get slammed for this music by the same people who slammed Trump and won't question Biden or Faucci and if he goes on tour, just like Trump he will sell out everywhere peace
  15. https://m.tiktok.com/v/7057336443814907182.html?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8k7nx2fsCbk4xhozXZgkw8Q%2FSUXjkszUqP%2B5lz6VgfehfFWPklEr7%2F81He8M55H6av38GmUo%2BwAV1VR8yGgA%3D&checksum=d83c7bd3b72c0e311136d1a685e329dc028f7c07a16cdf40916910b67562046a&clips_cover_ab=v4&enable_clips=1&language=en&preview_pb=0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAA8C9HMqXSJGpKQXAIW0UR35azI7LqAlMh5U0HnzTGTMMFH7n43MvmdjsoqYJI5HNY&share_app_id=1233&share_item_id=7057336443814907182&share_link_id=6A02BE57-EEF5-4962-88DD-215B54EA405D&source=h5_m&timestamp=1643300074&tt_from=sms&u_code=diem2jce2dl98e&user_id=6961191797969159173&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=sms
  16. New kid rock video slamming Biden and Dr. Faucci
  17. 17 and sunny, filled wood stove in garage at 7 this morning was a balmy 4 degrees
  18. yeah it doesn't start until touched but no one takes a knee at 10, they run it out which takes time off clock, the squib is the groundout, the pooch is more of a lazy kick in the air which i'm sure would of resulted in a fair catch and no time off the clock, either way would of been better that what the Bills came up with sorry to say
  19. Rand Paul has guts, remember when Trump had the big ceremony at white house and Paul and his wife were leaving with Antifa and BLM screaming and threatening ? It was a most peaceful demonstration, Paul needs others to help him get this Fraudcci out for good
  20. 17 in ct., brutal cold coming with a big ass snow storm friday and saturday, depends which model comes true, sucks moose
  21. yeah a good squib kick that ends up around the 10 would of eaten 3-5 seconds typically, 2 guys to defend and the #1 defense did neither, prevent defense only prevents team from winning, fire coach? c'mon your over reacting, emotional, they'll be back, growing pains, took Landry years of heartbreak before he won, Shula too
  22. well I guess he's the only one who didn't use or didn't get caught lol, its so watered down these days, like the rock and roll hall
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