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custard pie man

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Everything posted by custard pie man

  1. probably true but the real question would be who would of made that call? Biden? no he's still sleeping, Bill Gates? maybe Obama? Pelosi is to stupid, i'm betting its good ol Mitch McConnel lol
  2. made bacon tomato peppers and onion omelette, split with mrs. who tested positive believe wednesday for covid(thanks pfizer) tested this morning, negative so because were in this state of flux today will be grilled cheese with chicken noodle soup
  3. anyone seen Faucci? since truckers got together I haven't seen or heard from him, must be in hiding? anyways so nice not to see or hear
  4. didn't he have 2 picks? also is 49er dude just caught the easy interception rams and Stafford wouldn't be in it
  5. heavy rain and up to 60mph wind gust, 10 hours and going, still have power which is a miracle
  6. just grilled ny strips, sautéed peppers, onion, and mushrooms, fresh green beans, tossed salad with homemade balsamic, it was delicious
  7. do as I say and not as I do! let them eat cake, remember cnn trying their best to explain why Obama and his leftist at his mansion had no masks " they were highly sophisticated"
  8. was wrong on Bengals this game, tough but a not played very well game on either side I thought, give Rams credit by going all the way , refs were silent until the end then they wouldn't stop, nice for Donald, we passed on the halftime, instead ate dinner
  9. wow! I didn't know that was highest rated, would of thought cowboys / steelers, of course now its an event, people who don't know football have to watch or go to frinds house etc..., still remember 1pm eastern start time with a 30 minute pregame for cowboys/ colts lol
  10. I didn't vote for Obama because he struck as an anti american, however I wanted him to succeed, he didn't, economy was weak, morale low, defense was horrible but he got us socialized medicine, yikes, Trump came in and righted the ship, lets see he secured the border, cut down on crime, increased wages for all americans and minorities especially over the previous minority president, stopped war by building our military, took out terrorist with quick drone strikes, created fair trade, went after China for their manipulation of the dollar, balanced trade with them in forms of tariffs, saved or brought back the factories and jobs that Obama/ Biden destroyed, had energy independence which also created thousands more of good paying jobs, fought for school choice which we know the democrats are dead against, even went after that useless NATO and told the countries to pay their fair share, things were going so well that only the China virus could derail what Trump accomplished all the while another known fact is the democrats, FBI, and CIA colluded to derail his presidency even before he took the oath, Durham just concluded what most already knew, these bogus investigations started and were paid for by the Clintons, now fast forward one year later and look at what Biden and his friends have done to this country, lost energy independence, wars starting up because of his weakness and ineptness, the Afgan debacle, inflation at a 40 year high, millions pouring in the border because of His policies, bringing enough drugs to kill us all, and biggest negative of all is losing our freedom and constitution with mandate after mandate, these are just a few facts! Biden is an utter disaster and media and big tech are doing all they can to protect what a real time disaster the democrats have self created in just one short year, sorry to vent, time to relax and enjoy super bowl
  11. raise your hand if you actually voted for this total pos
  12. so bengals beat raiders, then beat titans with Henry, then beat chiefs, as I predicted and defense just destroyed Mahommes second half he looked like a chump, now rams should have won by 30 over bucs, 3 very weak fumbles, short on 45 yard field goal and Brady sucked let them eventually win now against san fran all I can say is down and needing a touch down Stafford did what he's done for 10 years , he threw a perfect deep ball to.... the defense but #26? dropped a easy game clinching interception, anyways I look at Bengals and view them as the average Joes, sort of like the canadian truckers and I look at the rams as the team who spent all their money and draft picks to put a big name team on field and destroy, sort of like the Elitist snobs calling the truckers , terrorist, anyways maybe just hoping like I did when saints stuck it to colts but believe Bengals will win in a romp 37-20
  13. let her quit? fuck just fire her fat ass, cancel her like her and the rest of the liberals on that show constantly do, just seeing a snippet on Tucker Carlson makes me want to puke, these people really that stupid?
  14. so this morning browned up some venison in skillet, threw in crock pot with cubed potatoes, cut carrots, celery, some crushed tomatoes and beef stew roast mix, 8hr, it will be done and yummy, 4 hours to go
  15. perhaps it took origin the day Faucci gave them a big fat check
  16. agree, Hank was straight forward, no nonsense kind of guy, Curt Gowdy was another favorite
  17. Imagine having Staubach then Aikman then you had that clown as your qb, now we got Dak, Romo was so bad in big situations that I actually thought he was much better at announcing lol
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