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Everything posted by zoso13zeppelin

  1. Statesboro Blues - Allman Brothers Band
  2. yeah...the assistant principal (we call her 'discipline lady' ) was so pissed cos we all applauded as Curry was led out of the room. she made a big speech about how we shouldnt applaud when somebody does something wrong. whatever...
  3. i have a macbook. ive had macs since forever. i like them a lot...but you cant download a lot of the software and things that you want cos they dont run on macs.
  4. so im guessing you didnt? thats alright...i could never do that. yeah, it was pretty dumb, but hilarious at the same time. the worst part was...the guy got taken to the office by the POLICE OFFICER who happened to be in the room at the time...
  5. it is, kind of. and now it seems like were all sort of equal around here, you know?
  6. i started it its in ramble on, if anyone wanted to know...
  7. well, we need a school thread... anyway, at school today, somebody started a food fight. it was fuckin hilarious. the guy brought six big jars of caramel pudding and bought a bunch of weird cream food stuff and then began throwing it at three girls that he absolutely hated. apparently the guy got five days of OSS though. anyway, heres the new school thread
  8. there was another thread...in a different little segment of the forum, whatever the hell you call those things...
  9. oddly enough, my legs hurt as well. haha! we need a school thread!
  10. wow, more pizza! and hi andy
  11. Saturday Night Special - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  12. cherry salad...hm...never heard of it. whats in it? (other than cherries, obviously )
  13. oh man, i really HATE sweet potatoes. we have had them every year as well...thankfully, theyre provided by my uncle's parents, who wont be with us this thanksgiving! (im going to colorado, not staying here)
  14. pretty big club we have here. i hope they all join!
  15. a pic of me after i went to a bat mitzvah okay... i look a little possessed...
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