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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I also need to go. Bye see you guys tomorrow.
  2. My photoediter won't work. Rats. Oh well, Vannis just let your imagination soar.
  3. I found the Grant and Plant one. With a little work it will be Vannis and Page.
  4. lol, I can't find it anywhere. What's the French site? py.zeppelin something?
  5. Pretend you never read that post. I do that about alot of things. Just pretend it's true. Odd thing to pretend, can I ask why RObert and Jimmy needed to kiss?
  6. I can't find it anywhere. I know I"ve seen it. Rabia, ask for it here in the photos thread. I"m scouring PZ.
  7. If I had the picture of Robert and Jimmy kissing I'd edit your head on Robert's. I'm lokoing for it now.
  8. *hugs Vannis* It's not the same because I"m not Jimmy, but Jimmy says smile.
  9. Do your parents know about him? And it's okay, I understand.
  10. Bye Richard. Now we can plan our ways of meeting famous people. Maybe either Vannis or Rabia, Jimmy will take a liking to one of you and offer to let yo ulive with him like he does Lori in Sarah's stories.
  11. I don't sing well, but I"ll sing. I'll be helping all the people on that plane find good music.
  12. That works. I was going to go through Indy, but I can get to Chicago just as easy. The more the merrier. Will you sing Zep songs with me on the plane?
  13. I know. Oh this trip souds outta sight. (Sorry I know no one says that but me.)
  14. Karac Anthony Page. 3 guesses where I got the names. Where is one place you want to visit?
  15. That'd be funny. And yes, I mean that sort of shirt. People might think we were strange though. If they stared at me I'd make faces at them.
  16. Great! Even though there are no official plans I can't wait! I get excited over nothing at all sometimes. If Rabia is as loud as I can be, our plane will hate us. I always take music with me, and I love to sing. I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I love to sing. My mom won't come so she can't tell me to shut up. Just the thought of that sounds fun.
  17. This will be pricey, but worth it. We should go by Jennings Farm, and visit Bron-Yr-Aur and Bonham's grave. We could wear matching Zep shirts that day and put our user name's on the back.
  18. I don't look much like Janis. I have dark hair though, and I hope it will be that long someday. You may have seen a picture on my photobucket though. And yes, you better use that accent.
  19. This is my 1000th post, but this is for Richard. For me to fly to NYC and meet Rabia will be 398, and then for the two of us to fly to England (I'll pick London.) it's 1450. So 725 per ticket.
  20. Rabia, I'd eat the food. I love different food. We don't anything interesting here. Richard, I"ll be the bubbly one dressed like our time machine just spit me out of the 60s. Unless I have on Zep clothing, then it'll be the 70s.
  21. Yes, but I"m no good at it. Do you like Robert's solo career. And @ Vannis, we're planning a trip to Europe to meet Richard, so you should visit the fanclub.
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