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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Now, I'll say sorry. I probably read that at the wrong time, that's on my side. Hopefully, you can forgive me.
  2. It's pre-zep. The songs are from his 60's guitar work, and you can tell it's from before Zep. He has shorter bangs.
  3. That's so sweet. I got Mothership, a Janis poster and tshirt, three Zeppelin shirts and one is a promo shirt for Mothership, jewlery, candy, sweatpants, socks, tissues (i've been sick), and I think that's it.
  4. All the ipods are up and working. Now, I want the orginal Alice's Restaurant song on my ipod, but I can't find it on itunes.
  5. I don't have a problem with it at all. I love the album and can't wait to see it live, but it's just a different idea for Robert to play the Grand Ole Opry. I really don't have a problem with it, it's just the last place I'd think he'd play. I don't want to keep him in some little box, I enjoy the outside of the box stuff he's put out. It's just to go from Zep to the Grand Ole Opry is a big step. Which, just to be clear, I don't think he should stay the same as Zep.
  6. Fine Magic Sam, hate me. Guess that means I"ll have to hate you. Just kidding.
  7. Sorry, but I have to go. He needs the computer. Bye!
  8. On ebay, the 2nd generations were 120 plus shipping. Unless you want a 3rd generation, then go to like Wal Mart and they're 147, the difference is the way they're shaped and the 3rds play videos.
  9. I like it, and I just got it. Once you know how to use it, it's actually pretty easy. I have to do my brother's now. We got them on ebay and saved about 15 dollars.
  10. Yeah, it's a silver 2nd generation. I got it to work, finally. I ttook me long enough. Next I have to finish my playlist, and then do my little brother's.
  11. I think it's working. It has a little arrow going around and my ipod has a little swirly thing on it. I don't really need an ipod, but I wanted one. I usually listen to on speakers, but my mom doesn't like my music so I can listen to it at here house. Which I'll listen to it at Daddy's too until the newness wears off.
  12. Every time I try to sync it (put songs on it), the button to sync it disappears, and when it reappears it says I have to register the ipod when I already have, and I"m signed in.
  13. I'm about to break mine. I need help with it.
  14. It was great. How come you guys don't do much with Christmas? (If you don't mind me asking.)
  15. I'm great. I love Christmas. How was yours?
  16. The Flintstones (I still love that show.) What was your favorite toy as a kid?
  17. Do you celebrate anything around this time of year? And because I tell people Happy Christmas, do you get offended by people saying that? And have a wonderful time at the wedding, they're so pretty.
  18. Pretty good. I got clothes, red chucks, an ipod, a purse and some nail kit from my mom. My little brother got me bright green slippers. My dad got me new Zeppelin shirts (3), and a Janis t-shirt, and Mothership. My Grandma got me jewlery, candy, chap stick, sweat pants, and a Janis poster. I got an itunes card too. What did you get? And I saw Rabia lurking in the Ask and Answer thread.
  19. I thought it was great, and really funny. Dry, but funny.
  20. He looks really young in that photo.
  21. Bye Vannis. Hi Noora, how's your Christmas?
  22. It says RObert Plant and Allison Krauss will play the Grand Ole Opry. I'm sorry, but Robert play the Grand Ole Opry? That's oxymoronic.
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