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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I'm not too fond of Tea For One. I like the beginning, but sometimes it depresses me. I always listen to it when it comes on though.
  2. Is anyone here? Yet again, I missed Richard. I miss you!
  3. ^I found a shirt at TJ Maxx a few years ago with the exact design in the same spot. I was black too. It just had long bell sleeves, and no back. My mom said no, but I can see why, cause I was about 8 when I found it.
  4. I'd like to see Going To California. That is if they tour. Please.
  5. A little girl at my church. We wer watching The Nativiety Story. And she'd ask if the guys were on Herod's side and if they were she'd made a scarred face and say Uh oh.
  6. Okay, Rabia is an hour ahead of me, and Richard is about 5, I think. I'm not sure about you though Vannis. sorry, but I need to go. It's getting late and I have to be up early.
  7. Okay, and we need to know the approx. time zones for these people.
  8. Can you post the list and we;ll attempt to start.
  9. I hate it. I never get to talk to him. We should attempt to set up a time where we all talk. The whole group.
  10. Richard should be proud. And thanks, that's so sweet. Richard, when I get enough money, and I'm old enough I plan to make my way to that sid eof the world, and you are on my itenerary. And Legacy, just to attest to Richard: He really has set to work building friendships. Even though I don't actually know anyone on here, I"ve made some great friends and RIchard just happens to be one of them.
  11. I've been catching up with the conversation of Richard's. It's fuunny. Sad I missed it.
  12. More great pics Vannis, wish I was there.
  13. I hate flood control. It drives me nuts. I"m tired, but I'm determined to stay here and talk. How are you? I'm going to look at the pictures now.
  14. It isn't in theaters anymore, but I saw Alice's Restaurant for the first time yesterday.
  15. And Janis Joplin died after using heroin after she's been clean for a month. That's terrible.
  16. He wouldn't have been able to handle all the alcohol without some kind of substance. It's so terrible.
  17. It sucks, that we missed it all. And as much as I hate to say it most of them would be around had they not messed with drugs.
  18. It would have. Knowing my grandpa he would have rubbed it in. Jimi playing cricket. That's funny. I was reading a book about Janis Joplin and it said that the guitar player for Big Brother had a little boy and Jimi Hendrix would baby sit during the concerts. How cool would that be to say Jimi Hendrix was my baby sitter.
  19. I"d have told my grandpa to shut up and quit rubbing it in. I thad to have been so much better then. I think God put me in the wrong time.
  20. We need to go all the way back to about 1965. Then we can go to like Monterrey Pop and Woodstock, and still catch Zeppelin.
  21. Well, Robert dated a girl who said it's me or the music. Thank God he left her. Look at how successful you could become. Just kidding, and about that ticket, I"d rather not have a kitchen then miss had to have missed that concert.
  22. Have a great day! I"m sure you will since you're in Hawaii and everything. Nice talking to you. Hey Richard, look it's 101 pages now!
  23. Napoleon Dynomite. I hate that movie. It makes my brain ooze out of my ears.
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