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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Napoleon Dynomite. I hate that movie. It makes my brain ooze out of my ears.
  2. I'm Alicia, and your welcome. I understand the shoe thing. I love shoes.
  3. I"m listening to Kashmir now and I'm gonna listen for that.
  4. Your welcoke. My entire system is Pioneer, and I really like it.
  5. Maybe we should try and make this an actual language.
  6. I have to go now. Talk to you later Vannis.
  7. See, you guys are already ahead just for doing that. I like Pepsi, but if I need caffeine I'm going for a cappucino.
  8. That sucks. People say I do that stuff, but I don't. And there are a lot of alcoholics at my school too.
  9. I have that too. There was a drug bust at my school the other day and some kid aske dme if it was because of my locker. I was so mad. I konw I'm a hippie, but I am not a pot smoker. Or any other smoker or dropper for that matter. I don't drink either.
  10. Like Arlo gets arrested and the cop takes his wallet and he says "What, you want my wallet so I can't spend money in the cell?" The humor is so dry, it's great. But it stresses how hippies weren't always the drugged out people and how there is a difference between hippies and druggies. Won't Richard be proud?
  11. It's really good. If you are into hippies and the likes you'll like it. Edited: One of the funniest movies I've ever seen.
  12. Mandy says she wanted shoes, so I'm giving her a years worth of shoes from her choice of designers. And we'll pretend it's leap year so she can have 366 instead of 365.
  13. Yes, it's a movie. It was released in 1969. Arlo Guthrie is in it. It's a bout the discrimination towards hippies and how not all hippies did drugs. Alice lives in a church and trys to help people. And Arlo has to go in the draft and he gets out of it. If you like slightly dry humour you'd probably like this. Only get permission from your parents to watch it because it's rated r.
  14. Noxzema is the best thing for sunburns.
  15. I"m jealous of all who went to London, it looks great. And Vannis, don't burn! I do that too and I know how painful. It looks beautiful. Wish I was at all the places.
  16. Oh! I will go look. I'm okay. I'm trying to explain Alice's Restaurant to a friend and it isn't easy.
  17. Okay, I see what you mean. You had me really confused. But that isn't hard to do.
  18. Good pictures Bonham. I like your eyes.
  19. The magic of it all. the talent, chemistry, and creativity. People have tried for a while to give words to how great Zeppelin is and it's very hard to do.
  20. My dad is really groovy. I love him! lol. I'd couldn't go if it was up to my mom. So I'd sneak out then. I was thrilled with TSRTS and there were people that walked out where I was at. I was so disappointed in them, and I don't even know them. It was cool because there were people there who had to have been in their late 50s who came and watched.
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