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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Just thought I'd try. I barely have time to do my own homework. They like to pile it on in high school.
  2. lzfan715

    Roberts Jeans

    1. You spelled stretch right. I could not figure it out. 2. I wasn't there, so I didn't really know. It was just a shot in the dark. 3. I just read my post and it doesn't sound right so now I have to edit it.
  3. Let the Four Winds Blow is a beautiful song too. It's about Karac and if you really listen to it, you hear the story of Robert's recovery. I've never listen to I Believe all the way through, but I'm listening to it now.
  4. In that case, I'll send you all my English homework for Christmas. I have an assignment in that class everyday. English is my least favorite class this year. Last year it was great, the teacher for that class is a cool person. He's a Zep fan, too.
  5. lzfan715

    Roberts Jeans

    Edited because brspled pointed out a mistake: They probably had stretch denim.
  6. Maybe he's serious but sarcstic at the same time. Do you know what I mean? He's serious because he knows how much it all meant to Jimmy, but thinks he needs to move on.
  7. Mandy, you're going into English right?
  8. It also talks about the stars still shining. Maybe he thinks Jimmy has it in him to have a career. It has to be about Jimmy.
  9. I l istened to it, but can't really tell who it's about.
  10. Much more affordible than amazon. I looked there and it was 75 dollars. I thought no way, my collection will just have to be incomplete. If it's only 30 bucks, I"m going to my local record store and checking there. On fye if I become a member it will only be 25. Thanks so much!
  11. Rabia, you can go on the next trip. Jimmy wants to meet you, we told him about you. Hetty, sorry. We had to, we wer left with no choice. The temptation was simply too much.
  12. That is exavtly what I have, and we can be easily amused together. It amazes me. I wonder how it makes your nails so shiny.
  13. Trouble Your Money is about Bonzo. I'll listen to Memory Song and find out.
  14. Steve Is that even his name?
  15. Hotel California - The Eagles
  16. Do you by any chance know how much they run for? Thank you for your help.
  17. Piece of My Heart-Janis Joplin
  18. Is the collector's edition of TSRTS still avalible?
  19. What do you consider punk? Then I can answer your question.
  20. Edited, wrong thread. I don't know of a song off the top of my head.
  21. Yes, you're real arent you? If you are then they have to believe in you. Do you like Fleetwood Mac?
  22. I will look for some. I don't like socks so I like comfortable ones.
  23. Well, it's about time someone sheds some humorous light on our situation. Though, with his usage of grammar, I must say that Bush does a good job of that.
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